Chapter 3 : Max's POV

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I was ushered into a match box sized room crammed with people. There were 10 of us in a room fit for 4 people.

I was pushed by Daniel to sit on one of the open chairs. I hadn’t looked up since I was brought into the room, but when I did, I almost regretted it.

My eyes were met by the greenest eyes I have ever seen. The looked like they would blend in perfectly with the grass in Gods Garden Of Eden. His eyes were hooded by long lashes and the light danced around playfully in them. I travelled down the body to whom the beautiful eyes belonged.

I was met with a lean, but not thin, well built body, wrapped in a suit that made the man looked edible.

My eyes travelled up again, locking on his pink, luscious lips, which were parted oh so slightly, my eyes connected with his once more. He gave me a playful smirk and introduced himself.“Agent Murdock, FBI.”He said in a deep voice.

Eyeing me closely, his partner cleared his throat, distracting me from Agent Murdock.

“I’m Agent Hethfield,” he smiled. This time, I was almost knocked off my chair. Agent Hethfield was just as gorgeous as the man before him. His smile looked like it could bring world piece and his hazel eyes seemed as though they could look into the deepest part of your soul. He was tall…Like really, unusually tall an his hair stuck out in all different directions. He looked like a puppy who was hungry and all I wanted to do was take him in and look after him.

“Murdock and Hethfield? Really? Sounds like there’s a rock reunion in town.”I smirked. Both Agents laughed.

“Alright then,” interrupted Daniel, “Time to view those CCTV Tapes.”

The guard from earlier pushed the tape into the VHS Machine. He pressed rewind until he got to the beginning of the tape and pressed pause.

“Director Singh asked to be present while watching the tapes.” he said. Daniel just nodded and stood against the wall.

I snuck a peek at the two Agents, they were discussing something in hushed voices. I tried to listen closely but didn’t hear much, I started concentrating more when I heard my name and the words daughter and I didnt know were being thrown around.

A few seconds later, a tall Asian man with grey hair and a beige suit walked in, excusing himself for being late. His badge read : Director Siddharth Singh. He told the pudgy police officer to play the tapes.

“Can everyone leave except Daniel and the Agents?”he said.

All the other police officers looked at each other, uneasy about the Directors call.

“But Sid-"

“Now, please.” Commanded the Director.

All the police officers reluctantly left, leaving the 5 of us alone in that room.

I exhaled. I hadn’t realized that I was holding my breath.

“Jesus Sid, how long are you going to keep me cuffed up?” I asked, showing him my cuffed hands.

“Sorry, Max, we had to keep the show up.” He said, walking towards me with his key to unlock my hands.

It was a sting and a welcome release when Sid released me from my shackles, I begun to rub my wrists as it began to itch where there was no more metal.

“I’m guessing these two are in on the plan?” I asked, gesturing to the Agents.

“No, they’re Hunters. Just like us.” He replied.

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