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I drove for about 30 miles out of Madison before I stopped at the gas station. I needed to find a motel before it got dark. I had some investigating to do.

I filled my tank and bought some supplies. I was running low on salt and food. The gas station had no pie. I packed everything into the car and drove to the nearest motel.

I checked in under a false name and I always paid cash, obviously.

I got my room number and drove to park in front of it and went to open the door. When I pushed it open, I was pulled in by strong rough hands and pushed on my bed.

Before I could react, my eyes met with the piercing green of Dean Winchesters. He wasn't smiling and flirty anymore, he was angry and serious.

"You lied." He said, his voice breaking the staring competition we were having.

"About what?" I asked. I knew exactly what he was talking about but I played it dumb till I knew we were on the same page.

"About being in DC. The night your Father was killed, you weren't in DC, you were here in Madison." Said Sam.

"You guys are crazy." I said, trying to leave the room, I was pushed back down by Dean.

"When I saw your car that was when I realized I'd seen it before. It was outside the bar at the entrance of Madison, a few blocks from your motel. You went back to the motel before Daniel came to arrest you. You lied to him and you told him that you were in DC when your Dad died. We watched the tapes and we never knew it was you until now. About 3 minutes after you left the drug store, your father walked in. then some guy went to speak to him and then he drove away, an hour later, we got a call from him and he kept screaming your name. Why did you lie Max?" asked Sam.

"I didn't lie. I told Sid I was in town, I hadn't spoken to my Dad in a few days and he wasn't answering his phone, so Sid called and told me that he had spoken to him the day before and he said he would be here in a few days. I came here because I had to lay low because I was being hunted by a group of other hunters because I killed their gal pal who had been bitten by a werewolf, and I had to find my Dad. Sid told me to get into town and go incognito, so that's what I did. I didn't even know that my Dad was in Madison already until Daniel hauled me from my room." I explained.

Dean stayed quiet the entire time, just listening.

"I just woke up and found out my Dad died, I was hauled out of bed and taken into custody, I have a lead and you guys are just gonna hold me hostage here. I didn't do anything wrong. Sid knew where I was." Even though I spoke to both of them, I made eye contact with Dean only.

"You have to let me go and find who did this to my Father." I said to him.

"We don't have to let you do anything." Replied Dean, staring back.

"Dean, I – "

"Because we're gonna help you." He said.

"The hell you are!" I yelled, jumping off the bed. My right food got caught behind my left food and I stood up too fast, so I went stumbling forward, smashing into Dean who held me till I could stand.

How embarrassing.

"The hell you are!" I yelled again, balancing myself. Acting as though nothing happened.

"Look, I know you guys were friends of my Dads but I don't need your help." I said.

"Friends? Who do you think your Father was speaking to when he died? We were the ones on the phone with him when the shifter stabbed him to death." Said Dean.

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