A Way to Friendship

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One thing was clear to Alain. Maron was avoiding him. 

It was extremely obvious, too. If Alain entered the same room as Maron, she would have an excuse on why she had to leave. During meals, Maron would get her food and head to her room and eat there instead. She went to her room at eight every night and wouldn't leave her room until seven in the morning. 

Alain tried to engage in conversation with her too. Before she could walk away, he blocked the exit and try to make simple conversation. 

"You need any help with the pokemon?"

"I'm good, thanks."

And then she'd go under Alain and leave like nothing ever happened. Curse their height difference.

A week has passed since Alain had shown up at the lab. It was very clear that if this awkward tension kept up, Maron would leave to go on a new journey and Alain would probably never see her again. Although, he couldn't blame anyone other than himself. He did cause all this. 

If he never left her in Kalos, then they would still be extremely close friends. 

Alain sighed while he was currently grooming one of the fennikens that was going to be one of the possible partners for a ten year old girl coming in later that day. Maron, however, was working with the Kanto starters. He thought about what it could have been if he didn't leave Kalos on such short notice. Perhaps they would still be extremely close friends.  

'Maybe even more,' Alain thought before blushing madly. When had that thought ever enter his head?! 'Stupid dirty thoughts...' 

He had to come up with a way to bond with Maron...and fast. He looked down at this mega bracelet until it shone in the sunlight. Suddenly, a thought passed through his head. 

"THAT'S IT," Alain shouted to nothing in particular. The fenniken on his lap jumped up in surprise at his total random remark. Alain only smiled happily at the fenniken and stroked her head with one hand. 

He knew exactly what to do.


"A battle."

"Battle? Are you serious? You're the Kalos League champion! I can't battle you."

Alain had brought up the subject of battling with Maron at dinner before she could scurry up to her room. Professor Sycamore watched silently while sipping his tea. The man sure loved his tea. Probably a Luminous thing.

"Yes! You see, I've noticed your bracelet. Do you have a mega pokemon on hand." Alain was desperate for a response other than silence. Desperate for answers about Maron. Desperate for the truth.  

Maron bit the inside of her cheek and shuffled her feet awkwardly. "I do have a pokemon who can mega evolve...and...I accept your challenge!" Maron looked up at Alain and smiled at him, taking him off guard. 

Alain smiled back at her. "We have our match in exactly one hour; 9 pm sharp. Don't be late." 

"I won't be," remarked Maron. And with that, she sprinted off to her room with a plate of spaghetti in her hands. 

"So a battle, huh. Not exactly what I expected you asking Maron in her deference," Sycamore finally said after his complete ten minutes of sipping tea in silence. "I will tell you this, her mega pokemon will catch you off guard. I'm not even sure if you've battled it before." 

Alain looked at his dinner but then smiled. "Charizard and I will win, no doubt about it."

Professor Sycamore took a sip of his tea while smirking. 

"We'll see about that..." 


Alain never realized that Professor Sycamore added a battle field behind the greenhouse. It looked similar to a battle field that you would find behind a Pokemon Center. When he entered the yard, he noticed that Maron was already there, sitting on the ground polishing a pokeball in her hand. Chespie, who was standing by her side, sensed a presence he nudged Maron and she looked up at Alain. The streetlights that illuminated the battle field made it very noticeable that Maron was nervous. 

Both of the trainers stared at each other for quite awhile; no one breaking the silence. It was only when Professor Sycamore came out in his regular outfit, but instead of a lab coat, he was wearing a blue bath rob as a replacement. 

"Sorry to keep you both waiting. I hope you both had something to talk about while I was gone."

Maron and Alain both chuckled awkwardly and stared off at something other than each other or the professor. 

"Anyways, lets get this battle under way!" With that, Professor Sycamore walked to the middle of the battle ground and cleared his voice as if someone other than the three were actually there. 

"This will be a one on one battle between Maron the Researcher and Alain the Kalos League Champion! The battle will be over when one of the opponents pokemon has fainted," Sycamore stated happily while looking at the two opponents. "Let this battle be absolutely magnificent. Now, please bring out your pokemon!"

Alain took out charizard's pokeball from his belt and smiled down at it. "Come on out, charizard!" Charizard appeared in a flash of blue light and roared in full determination. "I can't wait to see what pokemon you will be using, Maron."

Maron looked away from charizard and Alain and stared up at the tranquil night sky. A smirk then grew over her face and she started to chuckle. With one arm, she raised her pokeball to the night sky and then with all her might, forcefully threw it to the ground while shouting. 

"Audino! It's showtime!"

An audino came out and landed on the battle field ground on her two feet. She looked at her opponent from head to toe. She then only scoffed which made charizard growl in response. 

Alain looked at charizard in concern knowing that when audino mega evolved, they would be in a disadvantage and that wasn't going to be pretty. 

'Then again,' Alain thought, 'the battle will become more interesting...' 

Professor Sycamore looked at the two and smiled when he noticed that the two were ready. With the wave of an arm, the Professor shouted out in happiness:

"Now this should be very interesting. Battle....BEGIN!"


And that's it for Chapter 3! Now, school work has been a total stress for me, so like I said before, school is a priority that comes first (Biology and Math are killing me and I need to get those grades up before I worry about the fanfiction). Anyways, I promise I will update as soon as I can. Here's my question of the day: What is your favorite Mega Evolution excluding legendary or starter evolutions? 

Also, I need your help. In the story, Maron is revealed to have new pokemon in her party with a total of six. So far we have Chesnaught (Chespie), Alolan Raichu, Florges, and Audino. If you have any suggestions of two more pokemon that you believe should be added to her team, I'd love to hear some ideas, under one condition. Please don't say any legendary and/or fakemon. That way, it makes the plot easier to understand and it helps move the story along. 

Thanks again for your continuous support, and as always, stay happy~

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