Professors and Planes

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Two weeks have passed since the thunderstorm incident and everything else continued normally with the occasional slip ups. Other than that, everything moved smoothly without a hitch.

Inside the greenhouse, Mairin, who was busy with note taking and Alain, who was telling her what to write down about his observations on a mega houndoom, both haven't seen the Professor at all that day. Alain looked up from his work at at the greenhouse's exit, where Chespie and Alolan raichu were both sleeping soundly against the door. He then pulled out his Pokedex and looked at the digital clock. '2:49 pm.'

"Where is the Professor? He left without telling us this morning and hasn't sent us a single text message about where he is or what he's doing." Alain stood up quickly and paced around the houndoom in thought. Mairin sighed, placing down her notes.

"Relax, Alain. He's probably low on tea or has some work thing. I'm sure he'll be back so-"

A loud bang was heard from the greenhouse entrance. Chespie and raichu were both knocked out on the ground nearby, eyes spinning out of control. At the door, Professor Sycamore wore a large grin plastered on his face. He wore a cocky sunhat and some cheap five dollar sunglasses over his eyes. Sycamore wore a red, floral tee shirt and tan swim shorts. His right hand was firmly grasping a red suitcase and in his left, he clutched three pieces of paper.

Sycamore hopped forward with grace and beauty before landing hard on the ground right in Alain's confused face. He then laughed happily spun around on one foot, waving the paper around.

"I have done it! It took three days, but I managed to do it!" Sycamore laughed again while Mairin and Alain looked at the professor with concern. Awkward tension filled the sanctuary before Mairin spoke up.

"What exactly have you worked so hard to get? It seems pretty important."

Sycamore stopped his twirling and looked at Mairin and then Alain, then back at Mairin. He then let go of the handle of his suit case and cleared his throat.

"Yes, sorry, I should have informed you apologizes. Well, I'll get right to the point." Sycamore then pulled out two out of the three pieces of paper he had in his hand and presented them both to Alain and Mairin.

"We...are all going to the Alola region!"


Days passed since the announcement and soon the day arrived. They were about to head to the airport and board their flight to Alola. Alain slung over his bookbag over his shoulders and tightened the straps. Professor Sycamore said that Mairin and him were allowed to bring two pokemon to the region since they might want to catch more there. Alain, being Alain, was only bringing his charizard to Alola while he left the rest of his team in the care of the professor's assistants.

As Alain got to the stairwell, he heard a loud crash come from Mairin's room. Rolling his eyes, Alain approached the door and knocked on it. A short pause and shifting was heard from the other side before Mairin responded.

"Come in!"

Alain poked his head into the room and was taken aback by how messy it was. Clothes were scattered in every corner and books were open surrounding the bed. Mairin herself, however, was struggling to shove in a few more necessities into her alarmingly large duffel bag. She sighed and looked at Alain in frustration.

"I know it looks like a lot, but I swear, everything inside the bag is extremely important!"

Alain walked into the room and started pulling things out from Mairin's bag even though she protested not to.

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