Starters and Skulls

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Mairin, Alain, and Professor Sycamore were all staying with Professor Kukui for the time being. After exiting the plane and unpacking all of their stuff in their designated room (Mairin claimed ownership of the room above the kitchen, in which Kukui stated their was some history in that room), Mairin was exploring the beach in front of the house.

"Raichu, doesn't this remind you of home?"

Raichu squealed happily and hovered over the water, waiting for a tidal wave to form. Mairin sat down in the sand and buried her feet. The tranquility of the setting sun over the water completed the scenery of the ocean. Tomorrow, she was going to Iki Town to receive a starter Pokémon to conduct further research on for the Professor, and she was quick to accept her responsibility.

"Mairin, Professor Kukui made us dinner and wants you to come inside," exclaimed Alain from the doorway. A smirk was plastered on his face as he watched raichu surf on the water.

"Coming! Raichu, it's dinner time!" Mairin waved her arm at raichu to grab her attention. Raichu floated over and returned into its designated pokeball.

Mairin spirited back towards the house and stopped right next to Alain. Alain patted her shoulder and grinned down at her.


"You bet!"

Once the two were inside, a rustling from the bushes was heard. Two thugs popped out from their hiding spot and pulled out a radio.

"Yo boss, they are completely clueless, up," spoke the first thug. A evil chuckle was heard from the other end before the receiver spoke up.

"Excellent. The rebirth of Team Skull is finally unda way..."


The next morning, Alain and Mairin were on their way to Iki Town to receive their starter Pokémon from the Alola region. Their pokeballs were left at the professor's house since it was a quick visit. Mairin spotted a sign pointing in the right direction, and skipped off happily. Alain ran a hand threw his hair before following close behind her.

Once in Iki Town, Mairin sat on the stage built directly in the middle of the small village. Her legs dangled above the ground while she waited for the Kahuna to arrive. Alain stood above her  while he played a game on his phone. The sound of distant footsteps were audible for Alain and Mairin. Both looking up, they both could see a young man running over to the stage before screeching to a halt right in front of them.

"Ha, sorry about that. Had to get something to eat." The adult showed off a bag full of malasada to the two trainers. "Want some?"

Alain and Mairin exchanged glances before answering.

"Um, no thanks. We're just waiting for the Kahuna to arrive," Alain stated.

A moment of silent passed before the man in yellow slapped his forehead and groaned. "That's right! You two must be Professor Sycamore's assistants Mairin and Alain. Let me introduce myself." The flamboyant man spun around on his toe before stopping and putting both hands on his hips.

"My name is Hau, the Kahuna of Melemele Island. I also offer any starting trainer their starter Pokémon." Hau reached into his pocket before pulling out three pokeballs and tossing them into the air. Mairin jumped off the stage and stood next to Alain as they both watched a owl, a kitten, and a seal appear in front of them.

Hau rubbed the top of the water type starter's head as he continued talking. "You two will be choosing one of these little guys to train and further study their bond with Z-Crystals."

"Wow, they're all so cute," Mairin squealed while Alain rolled his eyes. Hau chuckled. "Let me further tell you about these three. First," Hau picked up the owl and placed it on his shoulder. The owl rubbed his cheek against Hau's neck as Hau stroked it's feathers. "We have Rowlet, the grass and flying starter. He's a popular choice here in Alola and is very hardworking."

Hau placed Rowlet back down on the stage, and the owl started spinning around happily. "Next, we have Litten, the fire starter. Litten is very calm and collected and very serious when it comes to battling. Very good choice for anyone who likes to battle and enjoys the idea of strength."

Mairin nudged Alain in a joking matter before grinning. Alain only ruffled her hair and smiled.

"And finally, we have Popplio, the water starter. Popplio is very loyal to it's trainer and loves to show off. She's very hard working and loves to have a good time." Hau clasped his hands together and rubbed them. "With that said, who will you be choosing?"

Alain looked down at Mairin, who was studying each and everyone one carefully, and placed his hand on her shoulder. "Ladies first." (DID YOU JUST ASSUME MY GENDER...sorry old joke)

Hau nodded while Mairin approached the stage. She eyes each of them down before stopping at Popplio. The popplio barked happily and clapped its flippers together. Mairin smiled and picked the seal up.

"I've decided that I'll take care of Popplio!"

The seal barked happily while Alain nodded in satisfaction. Hau grinned and handed popplio's pokeball over to Mairin. Mairin returned Popplio to its pokeball as Hau continued. "Good choice, Mairin. Now Alain, who will you be choosing."

Alain casually smiled, his eyes closed. He walked over to the stage and opened his eyes. Picking up the small owl and placing it on his shoulder, Alain spoke up. "I decided a long time ago who I'd be choosing, and rowlet seems like a good match for me."

Hau then tossed the owl's pokeball over to Alain, who caught it effortlessly, and returned Litten. "Perfect choice, now why don't we go back to Sycamore and Kukui and let's talk about further arran-"

A loud explosion coming from above cut Hau off. The three looked up to see a black helicopter looming overhead, hovering over the three.

Suddenly, a giant net came flying downwards and trapped Mairin inside. Alain was the first to react who grabbed onto the now rising net and gripped onto it tightly. A grunt appeared at the doorway with his Salandit and commanded a sludge bomb attack at Alain, hitting him full force in the gut. Loosing his grip on the rope, Alain flew backwards, flying towards the ground.


Alain hit the ground with a large amount of force.

And everything went....



Shit guys it's been awhile. So a couple of updates. Finals are done and my cold is gone. So praise the Lord I'm done with school for the rest of 2016. I finally have the chapter done and I'm so sorry for the long wait. I had writers block and couldn't get anything onto paper. Also, writing the lines for the Team Skull grunts was so fun to write.

Anyways, the Christmas special will be posted the day of Christmas and the newest chapter will be up soon.



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