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Hey kiddos, I'm back! I deleted the last chapter because it literally made no sense whatsoever. Anyways, I am determined to get this fic completed for all of your reading pleasure. Thanks again for everyone's support!


She didn't really know where she was. In fact, she had absolutely no clue. Mairin had been pondering on the idea that she was indeed, trapped. She had tried everything humanly possible in trying to escape; but her efforts were fruitless. 

She was currently trapped in a small, dim lit room with one very small window, although she couldn't see through it. Mairin was currently cuffed to a water pipe in the "cell" and was unable to sit up.  She also didn't have any of her pokemon on hand which made escape even more of a challenge. Another problem: she didn't know how long she's been here. She just, woke up eventually in this room. 

Mairin sat up when she heard music faintly playing in the distance. Oh yeah, these Team Skull thugs wouldn't stop questioning her. And they were coming for her hourly interrogation. Mairin directed her attention to the bars separating her from the outside world when the pounding on the bars alerted her that they were here. 

"Yo, kid. Ya gonna finally speak or somethin? Da boss is not very patient, ya hear," the first grunt pleaded like every other hour. The second grunt just nodded along to what his fellow grunt said every now and then. Suddenly, a third shadow appeared at the corner of her eye.

"Its not helpin' us, kid, that you're stayin' silent," a gruff voice interrupted the silence. Mairin slowly looked up to see a middle-aged man standing hunched over above her. He wasn't a catch, that's for sure, with his messy white hair flying in all directions and that hunched back is no help for his posture. Mairin narrowed her eyes at him and then stared at the giant 'S' chain around his neck. 

The grunts started to stutter as they realized who it was. The second grunt finally spoke up. "Guzma... I mean b-boss I didn' know you were hear already. Ya see, she ain't speakin' up an won' tell us nothin!" 

The man now known as Guzma scoffed and looked at his fellow followers. "What can I say, I'm pretty unpredictable." Guzma then looked between the grunts and then Mairin and then back at the grunts. 

"Could ya loonies give us a momen' alone? I won' ask twice," Guzma said while holding up three fingers until he realized his mistake and put down a finger. The grunts nodded vigorously and scampered off. 

Guzma sighed and ran a hand threw his mess locks, eyeing Mairin in the process. "Now kid, ya know it ain't gonna get no easier around here. The grunts told me they stopped given ya food so ya can finally spill out some in-fo-ma-tion," Guzma said as he emphasized the word 'information.'

"Now, tell us what ya know about mega evolution and we leave ya unharmed." 

Mairin, being the stubborn adult she was, ignored his demand and looked the other way. Guzma rubbed his temple and then a light bulb went off in his head. A devious grin spread across his face as he squatted to Mairin's height. 

"Now Mairin,  know ya love ya pokemon as much as da next person does, so ya either tell me about the mega stones, or..." Guzma snapped his fingers and two grunts ran over and held out Mairin's pokeballs. 

"Ya pokemon get it."

Mairin looked at Guzma, anger clouding her thoughts with irrational decisions. She tried to lung at Guzma, but the restrains held her back, making her unable to move. Guzma chuckled and cupped Mairin's chin with one of his hands. 

"Now, Mairin, what'll it be? This is ya final warnin."

Mairin eyed the ground and looked back up at Guzma.

"Fine....I'll talk."


Ha haaaaaaaaaa sorry everyone about the long wait. I just needed a break, I guess. I hope this makes up for it, and yes, with school out for the summer, I'll update a lot more. Also, can we talk about the Steven Universe Bomb: Wanted?! Holyyyyyyyy shit, man, if you haven't seen it, go watch it. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2017 ⏰

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