Entry Two

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Dear Journal,

 I know I haven’t been the greatest friend. I’ve had you for a month now and this is only my second entry. I am sorry for that, but I really really really need you now. Mom is on another vacation and I haven’t stopped crying since she left. That was three days ago.

I just wish she was here now. My cousins won’t stop picking on me. They have even taking to shoving me around. They told me if I go tattle, they’ll beat me in my sleep. What am I going to do now? I am so scared and I just want my mommy. I hate when she leaves me here, but I’ll suck it up because Aunt Ronnie said she should be home in a few days.

I never understand why mama doesn’t talk to me while on vacation but she talks to my aunt. It’s just not fair! I have to go now because I can hear that my cousins just got home from hanging with their friends. I’m the only one I know who sits alone all summer. Well, I really got to go now. Thank you for listening Spirit, you’re the best.

Your Very SCARED Best Friend,


P.S. No one knows that I have you here with me, so make sure you stay quiet. I don’t want anyone finding you.

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