Entry Eight

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Dear Journal,

I’ve been down in the dumps lately. It’s getting harder and harder to just wake up in the morning, but here’s the good news, School is out in THREE months! Can you believe it Spirit? Yeah, I know I haven’t been much of a good friend. But you know how crazy my life can get, well I try to let you know. And I also found a new friend, that’s why we haven’t talked so much. The things that I would tell you, I tell my friend now.

I would say their name, but this is only for you and me. I won’t bring others into our world. Not that I’m embarrassed because I’ve said Aunt Ronnie’s name. I don’t know Spirit, they aren’t important right now.

But the reason I’m in the dumps is mom. She’s gotten even worse, and Aunt Ronnie won’t let me see her AT ALL. It makes me really sad because I need mom. I have so much to tell her. I miss her hugs and kisses.

You know, we used to talk for hours and hours, until we fell asleep talking! You believe that? Talk until we fall asleep? She’s the funniest person I know. I just miss her Spirit.

I’ve planned on sneaking into her room tonight and having a long chat. I’ll do it around midnight, when I know I won’t get caught. Plus, it’s Friday so I won’t be tired for school.

I have to go now, it’s dinner time. I get to deliver the food tray to mama tonight. Things might just get better.

Your Best Friend,


P.S. You always make me feel better. Wish me luck Spirit, I need it.

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