Entry Eleven

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Dear Journal,

 Hey Spirit, how’s it going? Good news, school is out and my cousins are gone for the next week. That gives me plenty of alone time.

I have something to tell you, it very important…

I cut myself. I’ve been cutting since we last spoke and the rumors are true. I don’t feel the pain in my chest anymore. It’s like the razor just slices it away. This might sound crazy but it doesn’t hurt when I cut. It like a relief.

I talk to the razor but unlike you Spirit, it talks back. It tells me everything will be fine and then makes it that way. I think I’m falling in love with it. But I don’t know yet. I named it Soul. So you’re my Spirit and that’s my Soul.

Is that the same thing? Who knows, I don’t care. But I got to go Spirit. Soul is calling me. We’ll talk later, I promise.

Your CUTTING Best Friend,


P.S. No one can replace you Spirit

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