Entry Five

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Dear Journal,

Things are different now. I thought I was going back home with mom, but it seems as though mama had different plans. You see, whatever she has, it’s worse. Now we’re moving in with my cousins. I don’t want to live here, you know that. But how do I tell mom that?

She already feels horrible and I wouldn’t want to trouble her anymore. I guess I’m going to have to deal with it. I hope this isn’t forever.

All she told me was that we needed help right now and Aunt Ronnie was willing to help us out. Spirit, I don’t know what’s going to happen to me in the future, but please, I beg you, pray for me.

Since you’re my best friend, it’s your job to care for me. Keep me safe Spirit. 

It’s dinner time now, so I have to go help prepare, but we’ll talk again soon, I promise.

Your Very Worried Best Friend,


P.S. I wish dad was still alive.

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