Snow Pt. 2

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I know, I know I could have continued on last chapter but at the time I didn't have an idea but now I do have an idea to continue so yeah....
[Snow Pt. 2]

Cress and Thorne had walked back to their hotel after a few more minutes of Cress marveling at the snow.

They were now sitting in front of the fireplace. Thorne had his arms around Cress while she was curled up in a ball at his side with her head on his chest.

Thorne looked over his shoulder, out the window. A bit of snow was starting to clump on the tree's branches. Perfect, he thought.

Eventually Cress fell asleep so he picked her up bridal style and carried her to the bed. He laid her down and covered her up, kissing her I forehead.
He got in bed next to her and wrapped his arms around her, falling asleep quickly.

The couple slept soundly through the night; no nightmares to bother them and ruin the rest of their trip.

Thorne woke up first. He gently got out of bed and looked out the window. A few inches of snow covered the ground, perfect for snowball fights and building snowmen. Thorne knew that Cress would enjoy something like that immensely.

So Thorne got their coats, hats, and gloves out. He moved around silently, so not to wake Cress.

Thorne had also made both of them a cup of hot chocolate.

Cress woke up, saw the cup of hot chocolate on the bedside table and a smiling Thorne.

"Good morning, Crescent."

Cress smiled sleepily, "Good morning, Captain."

Thorne gestured towards the cup, "Drink up! We've got a busy day today!"

Cress looked up at him tiredly, "Okay, okay!" She took the cup and took a sip.

She sat the cup back on the bedside table and looked at a grinning Thorne, "Can- can you leave while I get changed?"

Thorne feigned hurt, "Fine." He clapped a hand over his heart and walked out.

Cress quickly changed, grabbed her cup of hot chocolate, and walked out the door to Thorne, whom was waiting patiently.

Cress and Thorne hooked arms and walked out the door with their cups of hot chocolate.

They sipped on their hot chocolates in comfortable silence, and Cress looked at the snow on the ground with a look of pure wonder on her face.

Thorne had finished his hot chocolate, and not long after Cress did as well.

That's when Thorne picked up some snow and threw it at her, well at her legs.

Cress giggled and threw some at him, aiming for his chest but hitting his face.

He wiped the snow away and looked at Cress, "It's on now Crescent!"

He started throwing snowballs at her and she hid behind a tree. She threw ones back at him whenever she could. She started running around and Thorne chased her. He tackled her and started tickling her.

She was laughing so hard she was crying. She begged Thorne to stop and after a few minutes he did.

Thorne was grinning at her, though she was glaring playfully at him. When he wasn't looking she grabbed a handful of snow and plopped it down in his head.

Thorne gasped and feigned horror, "Cress! I thought you loved me!"

She giggled, "I-I do, Captain."

He grinned and kissed her.

He pulled away, "And I love you."

He then proceeded to ask her if she wanted to build a snowman.

She excitedly agreed and Thorne started building.

An hour later, after having to restart five times, they finished.

They stood back, admiring their work.

Thorne's arm was around her waist and Cress' arm was around his.

Cress was resting her head on Thorne's shoulder, "Thank you, Captain," she whispered.

Thorne smiled and held her tighter, "No, thank you, Cress."

Cress smiled and Thorne kissed her.

She was taken by surprise but it didn't take long for her to respond.

When Thorne broke the kiss he smiled, "Let's go somewhere we can warm up."

Cress nodded, also smiling.

They found a coffee shop, so Thorne bought them each a coffee to help warm them up.

It was a great day.

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