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my school
a hellhole I know well, and hate
overwhelming amounts of homework
unhelpful teachers
judgmental peers
I have been asking to transfer or to do online school for seven years
recently it's become more dire for me to do so
I'm transgender, which I'm sure you knew because ninety percent of this hot mess of a book is me complaining about my gender
coming out to anyone outside of my friend group at my school is a 50/50 as to wether or not I'd be accepted
if I come out this year, which for my mental health, I need to, there's a good chance I won't be accepted there. I need to start new somewhere as Maxwell, as a boy, so there's no one that could call me my birth name because they wouldn't know it
gender aside, I'm in 3 honors classes and one CPA class. My schedule looks like this:
A Day:
a block: tech
b block: history
c block: english
d block: algebra
B Day:
a block: health
b block: history
c block: english
d block: algebra
and it will change second semester.
all of my academic classes this semester are honors classes, then next semester I have science (CPA) and algebra two (honors)
I'm on the verge of yet another mental breakdown
At least 2-4 times weekly I end up in tears over school and how much stress I have
and there's nothing I can do about it.
I'm losing my goddamn mind.
I spend 3-6 hours nightly on homework.
I barely eat because my appetite is second to my schoolwork to me. But when I do eat I usually eat quite a bit, which isn't good for my physical health.
I could go on but I need to work on something (that i can't talk about yet)
until next time

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