midnight pt 2

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Midnight, a story i wrote
although it is a love story about Seungcheol and Eunbi
i didn't write it about them
it's about me
and a friend, actually
i have no romantic feelings for that friend
surprisingly to you due to the fact that i told you it's about me
in fact
he has a girlfriend who he loves dearly
who loves him
and i thank whatever higher power (if any) there is that she is here to help him be happy when i'm not there
we're close
that friend and i
we both have had horrible pasts
he deserves so much better than what life handed to him
he honestly helped me survive, and still does
Midnight was a sort of tribute to him
some of the words i wrote are words he deserves to hear but i don't have the strength to say
thank you MTR
thank you so so so fucking much
for everything
this was my ode to you
it will last longer than us
and although it will never get big
it's permanent
and you deserve permanence
that was the mark i made on the world for you
may it be one of many for you
thank you
thank you

I haven't slept and I write stuffWhere stories live. Discover now