When He's Jealous

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Like normal you and Naruto were in the house on the couch eating ramen, since he got you addicted to it. "Awe (Y/n). Come on." You smiled as Naruto tried to reach his chop sticks into you cup of ramen as you pulled away. "No it's my ramen. You ate yours." He sighed and leaned back against the couch before trying again. "No. Leave me and my ramen be." You got up off the couch and sat at the table, Naruto puffed and crossed his arms rolling his blue eyes. "You act like you love that ramen more then me." He blushed pink when he heard you laughing and coming into the room. "Oh shut up." He smiled as you handed him the cup, he grabbed and started to drink it before you laughed and he narrowed his eyes at you. "(Y/n)." "Yes?"
You and Naruto were training together while Sasuke and Sakura watched, Kakashi of course was blushing in his book. A few battle yells here and there and the next thing you knew Naruto was on the ground. "Okay, that's enough for today." "Wow (Y/n)! You're really tough!" You smiled and blushed slightly as you helped Naruto up as Sasuke 'tch'ed. "Maybe even tougher than Sasuke! You sure have more of a deadly stare!" You smiled before Sasuke interrupted. "Alright that's enough Naruto." Nartuo rolled his eyes and went to go bug Kakashi. "He's jealous." You giggled as Naruto whispered as Sasuke grunted and walked away. "Maybe so." "Tch."
You and Akamaru where on the couch sleeping as you both waited for Kiba to get home. He did late at night but when he walked in he smiled and walked over to the both of you. "Heh. My best friend and girlfriend asleep on the couch waiting for me." He then frowned after he spoke and stared at his dog before walking over to him trying to join the both of you on the couch. "Akamaru. Scoot over." He tried to push his large white dog to the side to lean against you but he wouldn't move. "Argh!" You opened your eyes to see Kiba walking to your room and hearing him lay in the bed as you got off the couch. "You're cute when you're jealous." Kiba groaned as he way laying on the bed with his hand over your face as you walked up to him laying on top of him. "I'm not." "Fine then." As you were about to get up he pulled you back down and held you tightly with both arms.
You ran into Kakashi after sending your students off for the day, instead of going straight home he invited you to train with his students. As he was try to teach each of them a new jestu, Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke were watching you do one instead. "Wow!" "Yeah (Y/n) sensei! You're awesome." "Where'd you learn that?" You giggled as his students surrounded you as Kakashi stopped and watched your smiling face. "Hey. This method takes practice so get a move on." They all looked back at Kakashi, even you did with a sweat drop. "Sorry!" The all yelled as they ran off as Kakashi approached you. "I'm sorry Kakashi. I didn't know they are so inspired." You giggled each word as you spoke. Kakashi rolled his eyes and gave a nod before turning back to his students. "Who knew Kakashi sensei could be jealous." "I agree." "Tch. Not a surprise."
Temari came to visit you and Gaara up at Gaara's office, well she came just to visit him but hung out with you instead. Gaara glanced up from his desk every now and then to see you and Temari laughing, more than you usually were. "Yes Gaara?" You looked up after Temari giggled only to see him standing behind you as he grabbed your wrist and slowly pulled you up off the couch. "(Y/n). I need your help with paperwork." You blushed as you stood up and looked back down at Temari who was already out of the office. "Don't be so jealous!" She smirked as she left the office as Gaara's sea foam green eyes stared at you with a small smile and you smiled back. "Do you still need my help?" He gave a small nod as he pulled you to his desk setting you down on his lap. "I wasn't jealous." You smiled as you kissed his cheek and leaned back against him. "I believe you."
Rock Lee
You and Lee were with Gai and Kakashi sensei. Kakashi was reading his book while you and Lee trained as Gai cheered. "That's my boy!" He gave Lee a thumbs up as Lee did the same back. "And (Y/n)! Keep up the good work!" Your (e/c) eyes widened slightly seeing Gai has gave you a thumbs up. You don't know why but you blushed slightly as Lee noticed. He continued to train but more and faster, harder for you to keep up so you gave up. "Good job Lee." You smiled as you hugged him as he gave a thumbs up to as Gai did the same back before looking at Kakashi. "You made him jealous. Now you let him beat his own girlfriend at a training exercise." Gai dropped a sweat drop as he listened to Lee brag. "Oops.."
You and the rest of Team Hebi were walking through a village with surprisingly Suigetsu walking with you than yelling at Karin.  "Please." "No." You stared at Suigetsu with your sad (e/c) eyes as you gave him a pouty face for not giving you his drink. "Yeah yeah fine." You smiled as you took his cup and started to slurp all his water in it.  "Can I have it back now." "No it loves me more and I love it." Suigetsu sighed as he continued to walk before Karin snickered. "Hah! She loves that cup more than you!" "Shut up!" "You know it's true! That's why her lips aren't on you!" You giggled at her and gave him his drink. "Don't be jealous. Just wait." He smirked his one tooth and chuckled. "Fine."
You were walking in front of Jugo with Suigetsu next to you laughing instead of arguing with Karin. "Ah man." Jugo smiled before it faded seeing an arm go around your back, shifting to the side as Suigetsu pulled you away from a whole in the ground. "Watch where you're going (y/n)." You rolled your (e/c) eyes and smirked before you felt a tug on your cloak. "You okay?" You blushed and smiled as you nodded to Jugo. "I am." He gave a nod back staring at Suigetsu who continued walking. "Jugo, don't be silly." "Hm." You smiled as you stood in your tip toes and kissed his cheek making him blush and look at you. "It's Suigetsu. I'm sure I got a free b for making him laugh." Jugo gave you a nod as you grabbed his hand. "I'm sorry." You giggled again as you blushed making him smile but still keeping his eye on Suigetsu. "Tch. Don't make him go on a rampage."

(Hello there! Sorry if these didn't make sense really but I hope you enjoyed them more to come soon!)

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