When He Rescues You

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(So sorry to keep you all waiting!!! I love Shino so much XD so me when I don't get enough sleep. Im opposite of cranky when tired XD)
"So, isn't it you again?" Naruto gave narrowed eyes towards Kabuto, whom leaned back up straight, pushing his glasses closer to him with a smirk, giving narrowed eyes back. "Let her go!" You heard Kabuto step in front of you and give a small chuckle as Naruto growled. "Why should I? After all. It's not like you'll be able to stop me again." "I'll kill you!" After that, you heard Naruto activate his shadow clone Jutsu, and his yells when him and Kabuto went towards each other. *time skip* You continued to sit back against the wall, you been trying to get your hands free when you heard silence. "Naruto.." you gave a small gasp after feeling a hand on your cheek, you then smiled after your eyes met Naruto's when he removed the fold. You seen his bruised up face, and after your hands were free, you latched your arms around him, just for him to lift you up with a grunt. "Na-." "I'm fine. As long as you're okay, none of that matters. I love you." You pecked his head as he gave a small grin, resting his chin on your shoulder as he walked with you out of the cave. "I love you so much too. We can go for ramen." "We will but. After I brag about saving you."
"Orochimaru." Just as your hair was released, a side of your blind fold went down, seeing Sasuke step into the light, narrowed eyes, holding his samurai. "Sasuke? So this must be yours?" Your chin was lifted up, Sasuke made eye contact with your watery eye, then watched the blood drip from your chin on his pale hand before he licked it off with a chuckle. "Let her go." "Don't you want her to be like you? Stronger." Sasuke pulled out his samurai, clinching it tightly before a snake wrapped around you, slightly squeezing you to make you gasp. "S-sasuke.." Just as you managed to say his name, Sasuke headed towards you, Orochimaru did the same with a smirk. *time skip* You shook your head just in time to remove the fold, but when you did, your eyes immediately connected with Sasuke's, making you give parted lips to speak but he placed a finger to your mouth. "It's not your fault. I'm here." Sasuke cut your hands free, then lifted you up bridal style, jumping off and out of the cave, just for you to rest against his chest, making him look down with a small smile. "I knew you would come.." "Tch. Always know that."
"Kiba!" You mouth was then covered, Kabuto gave narrowed eyes holding the blade to you. "You're going to tell me o-." A growl made you and Kabuto both face to the left, you could hear Akamaru, or possibly Kiba, Kabuto gave narrowed eyes once agin seeing a white dog head to him. "Of course. Have your mutt fight your battles for you?" You gave a small gasp and leaned towards the side after hearing another bark, you heard Kabuto grunt, slouching the fur of Akamaru, only got to hear him whimper. "Akama-." You gave another gasp feeling your wrist being free, and when you took of your fold, you seen Kiba holding his arm, giving narrowed eyes and clinched teeth just before Akamaru ran out from behind him. "Kiba..." Kiba looked over at you, lifting you up bridal style before jumping off, making you look back. "He'll be alright." You gave a nod, holding onto Kiba just before he ended up on Akamaru's back, holding you with him still. You smiled, petting the dog's fur along with Kiba. "Good boy. (Y/n)." "I'm fine..I'm glad you two are okay..." "I don't think neither of us could be anymore happier to see you..you mean a lot to the both of us."
You gave narrowed eyes with a shaking breath after Kabuto pulled off your blindfold, showing you his smirking grin before the two of you looked over to see Kakashi step into view. "Kabuto." "Kakashi. I thought it was you." After making eye contact with gosh, you mouthed the word 'Be careful' and when Kakashi gave a nod, Kabuto gave narrowed eyes and looked towards you. But when he did, your forehead pressed against his with force, leaving the both of you a red mark after head butting him. Kabuto gave grunt, then jumped back after Kakashi ran towards him, swing at him with a blade. You tried to follow the movement of the two but they went into the distance, making you lose hearing of their battle as well. *time skip* You gave parted lips seeing his mask torn when he appeared in front of you, making you cup his cheeks, he looked up at you, holding your hand as your thump rubbed across the scar under his eye. "Kakashi." "I'm fine. Are you alright?" You gave a small nod, he pressed his lips against your forehead through his mask then lifted you up bridal style, pulling you close to him as he jumped through then out of the cave. "How's your head?" You laid against him as you touched the bruise, but gave a small smile as he looked down at you. "I'm okay Kakashi." "I love you." "I love you too.."
"How unfortunate?" You swallowed after hearing silence, Orochimaru then lifted up your chin, you giving a shaking breath after feeling his. "Seems you have no choice now." You gave a small gasp after hearing Orochimaru grunt, the blind fold fell down, revealing one of your eyes just to see Minato in front of you, holding your headband in one hand and a kunai raised to his face in the other. "Minato." Orochimaru stood up onto his feet with teeth clinched but just as he made a move, Minato kicked him in the stomach. *time skip* After witnessing the fight, you kept your head down when Minato crouched down in front of you with a smile. "I'm sorry.." "(Y/n), it's alright. You didn't fail anyone." Minato cut your wrist free then pulled you close to him, and when you hugged him back with a small smile, he then lifted you up. "I didn't want to lose you." He gave you a small kiss on the forehead as you shut your eyes. "I love you." "I love you (Y/n)."
Just before Kabuto could speak, he was jolted back from a fist of sand into the stomach, you knew it was sand for you felt a strand of it wrap around your hand, making you smile a bit. "Gaara..." Kabuto grunted after hearing you, but when he tried to go to you, he kept getting blocked. "You will not get to her." Kabuto looked over just to see Gaara step into his view with one hand up, giving narrowed eyes as Kabuto gave clinch teeth. "You think sand can stop me?" Gaara stepped in front you just when Kabuto was covered in sand. "Sand coffin." You flinched but then relaxed soon after your blindfold was removed, you smiled at Gaara as he focused on untying your hands. "Are you alright?" You gave a small nod with a smile then hugged him when your hands were free, he hugged you just as tight back. "(Y/n)...the pain I'd feel not having you in my arms safely would of killed me." You smiled, stroking his hair to his cheeks when you pulled back, pecking his lips as he stared at you, then lifted you up bridal style. "Gaara. I love you." "I love you, more than anything."
"You're not escaping me." "Is that so? Kabuto release you with force when Shikamaru stepped into view, giving narrowed eyes as Kabuto smirked and lifted up his arm, about to strike at you before he gave a grunt, trying to move his arm. Shikamaru gave a small smirk, pulling Kabuto back and away from you before going battle against one other as you listened. *time skip* You gave a small smile seeing Shikamaru after he pulled off your blindfold, as you studied his bruised cheeks and small scrapes, he untied tie hand. "Are you alright?" You gave a nod then hugged him with both arms around his neck. "I'm okay. You came alone?" "You're something I'd risking anything for." You smiled as he pulled you close, pecking your forehead before he held you up, only for you to fall weakly into his chest. "Easy." You gave a swallow with widened eyes when he lifted you up bridal style, walking with you out of the cave as you shut your eyes and lea ed close to him. "I love you." "I love you too (Y/n)."
You pulled your head back and out of his grip with a whimper, making Kabuto chuckle as he bent down in front of you, lifting up your chin with a smirk. "Step away from her." Kabuto sealed his lips and stood back up, you heard the footsteps of him step in front of you, you faced his backside, Shino was standing like he always did, except his chin was up, showing his mouth. "Oh? What are you going to do?" Shino gave a sigh, you gave a small swallow and your eyebrows furrowed. "I hate explaining the same thing twice." Just as you seen Shino lift up his hand, Kabuto jumped back from a swarm of fly. "You won't take her away from until the day someone catches a fly." You gave a small smirk, you then watched him as he ran, then jumped, in the air towards Kabuto with his fist clinched. *time skip* You stared at Shino as he squatted down in front of you, untying your wrist just for you to latch onto him. "Shino." He hugged you back, giving a deep sigh just before he lifted you up bridal style. "I'm sorry. I should of gotten here quicker. You blushed and maid your head on his chest with your eyes shut, making him glance as you then back up. "Shino...I'd knew you come either way." "That's good. I love you." "I love you."
Kabuto looked back at you after releasing you, but just as he took a step back to get a better sight of you called your name, a scroll opened it itself by rolling across the rock ground. "Tch." Kabuto pushed open his glasses just before jumping back after a tiger drawing jumped from the paper with a roar. You gave a small yelp after feeling yourself be scooped up and being run with. "It's just me." Your hands were free, you took off your blindfold to see Sai drawing in his scroll before a dragon slipped out of it. You clinched Sai's shoulders when he jumped along the branches. "It's alright." "Sai...I'm glad you cam-." Your lips were pressed against Sai's when he pulled back, you gave a calm smile seeing him smile at you, putting his forehead to yours with his eyes shut and his smile faded slightly. "You are the reason I smile truly. With out you...there wound be a point to smile of any kind at all."
You felt your hair be pushed to the side, making you lean back with a shaking breathe as he chuckled. "Step away from her." You turned your head towards Neji's voice as Kabuto did the same with a smirk. "Neji Hyuga." Neji gave narrowed eyes with a grunt, but when he glanced over at you, his teeth clinched. Neji growled and ran towards Kabuto, in defense, Kabuto pushed you on your side, making you give a small grunt when you stopped your head from coming in contact with the rock floor. *time skip* "Neji.." you gave a small whimper, trying to lean back up but only stopped to freeze in place after hearing footsteps come to you. "It's just me." You smiled, your hands were free then your blind fold, you seen Neji's eye markings fade just as you latched your arms around him. "Neji..." You were lifted up bridal style by him, getting carried out of the cave. You stared up at Neji, he still stared forward, but when you glanced down and placed your hand to your cheek, he looked over at you. "You're still very beautiful." You smiled, he pulled you closer just enough to kiss your forehead as you gave a small giggle. "I love you." "I love you (Y/n)."
Rock Lee
"Lee!" After you yelled, Kabuto gave a small chuckle, pulling your head to him with the tip of the blade underneath your chin, before removing it after seeing Lee stumbling towards him. "Let her go!" "Are you waisted? How pathetic. This guy is here to save you?" After Kabuto removed your blindfold you gave widened eyes with parted lips but in a smile form, seeing Lee with clinched fist. "Drunken fist..." Lee gave a yell and ran towards Kabuto, making him give a confused look, then jumped backwards when Lee swung his fist, punching into the wall next you as you turned to the side, eyes just with a yelp. *time skip* You managed to get your hands free, you were too wounded to stand up but you did anyways, only to drop back on your knees with a whimper. "Lee..." "(Y/n)...I'm here...my beautiful..love." You smiled seeing Lee rushing to you, he wasn't scratched a bit, that made you smile with your eyes next before he lifted you up bridal style. "Lee..you fought drunk?" "A little..but as long as you're okay." You gave a giggle then hugged him tightly, making him smile more and hug you just as tightly as you mumbled. "What would I do with out you Lee?"
Kabuto released you and stood back up straight, pulling your head to his thigh as you whimpered, becoming quiet when you heard his footsteps approach. "Suigetsu. I thought it was you." Suigetsu grabbed his sword's handle, seeing the blood drip on the ground, then glanced up to see Kabuto push up his glasses. "Step away from her and I won't go as hard on you." "Don't you want her to be an experiment as well?" You gave shaking breathes after feeling his pet your head, making Suigetsu give clinched teeth and narrowed eyes, raising up his sword with a groan. "You're lost." You fell on your side when Kabuto shoved you away and jumped back when Suigetsu swung. *time skip* You gave small whimpers when you felt yourself being lifted up, you sealed your lips, not wanting to make a sound. The blindfold was removed only to see Suigetsu's smirking face, you smiled with parted lips as he freed your hands, adjusting you into a more comfortable bridal style hold. "You alright?" You gave a nod and wrapped your arms around him, kissing his cheek as he smirked and held you closer. "I love you." "I love you too. I don't know what I would of done with out you."
You were shaking when Kabuto released you just when Jugo stopped running, seeing you whimpering. "Jugo? Why aren't you in your cell?" Kabuto chuckled stepping in front of you, you lifted up your head, giving a small smile as you mouthed his name, Jugo's eyes narrowed as his fist clinched, the markings covering his cheek. "Let her go Kabuto." "Are you getting mad by me doing. This!" You gave a small yelp after he sliced a blade across your other cheek, making Jugo growl, running towards Kabuto. "Don't touch her!" *time skip* You removed your blind fold after freeing your hands, you looked around, seeing no one in sight, but just before you could stand up weakly, Jugo stepped into your view. "Jugo." He ran over to you, crouching down with parted lips after he started to return to normal. "I thought I...lost you..." he pulled you close, breathing heavily, you smiled and hugged him back and when you pulled back, he traced your wounds. "I'm okay." Your expression changed a bit when he lifted you up bridal style, walking with you towards the cave exit, holding you closer when you shut your eyes.

(Hoped you enjoyed this more to come soon! Sorry if it was a bit iffy!)

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