When Another Ninja Confesses Feelings For You To Him

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"Hurry back please!" You smiled and gave a nod as you left Naruto at the ramen shop to walk with Ino. He smiled and gave a sigh and continued to eat him ramen. "Sure is lonely eating ramen with out her." "I thought you'd be use to it by now." Naruto narrowed his eyebrows only to see Sai sitting at the table with him. "What do you want Sai?" Sai gave his usual eye shut smile with a small chuckle as Naruto stared at him slurping up a noodle. "I'm joining your lonely ass as you can see." Naruto growled and put his bowl to the side before sitting up. "Actually." Naruto looked at Sai who had his wrist over his mouth staring outside of the shop. "What?" "You're girlfriend is quite a cutie." Naruto stared at him as Sai took a glance at him, making Naruto flinch with a sweat drop. "W-what is that supposed to mean?!" Sai gave his usual smile once more and stood up. "I like her Naruto." Naruto watched Sai leave the shop with his without a smile before watching him bump into you. "Oops sorry. Did Sai give you company Naru?" You giggled and hugged Naruto as he hugged you keeping his eyes narrowed. "Yeah. You could say that."
"Naruto, let's go." "Okay okay!" Sasuke waited for Naruto to catch up with him on a tree branch, then we he arrived him and Sasuke watched you and Sakura running through the forest below them. "Come on." "W-wait. L-let's take a break." "Tch." Sasuke's eyes focused on you as you and Sakura took a break as well, both of you sitting on the grass leaning against a tree. "Man Sasuke. Sakura has nothing compared to (Y/n)." Sasuke stood up straight and narrowed his eyes at Naruto who was hunched over on the branch. "What?" Naruto gave a cheesy grin and stood up and popped his back. "Oh well, I mean that Sakura was cute until (Y/n) came along." Sasuke took a step towards Naruto with narrowed eyes. "Are you saying you like (Y/n)?" Naruto tensed and turned blue with a sweat drop. "Uh..I..I..think so." Seconds later you and Sakura watched Naruto fall from a branch then Sasuke walked past both you and Sakura with her laughing. "What happened?!" "Tch. Idiot fell."
"Akamaru!" You and Kiba both chuckled as Akamaru ran through the village's park as the two of you went walking through it. "I'll go get him." "You sure?" "He listens to me." Kiba rolled his eyes as you pecked his cheek then went to go get Akamaru who was getting petted by a little kid. Kiba sighed with a smile seeing you then turned around only to see Rock Lee behind him. "Hey Lee." Lee tuned to him and gave a nod then looked back where you were at. "You and (Y/n) on a walk?" Kiba chuckled with a nod and crossed his arms. "Sorta like that." Kiba smiled seeing you hug Akamaru while watching the little kid run off. "Kiba, just so you know since (Y/n) is on my team I promise not to let anything happen to her." Kiba turned to Lee seeing him smiling at you as well. "What do you mean?" "I'll protect her." Kiba raised an eyebrow as he stared at Lee. "Kiba...I like (Y/n). She's smart and pretty and she's a skilled teammate." Kiba narrowed his eyes and that's when Lee took a step back, then the two saw you coming to them after Akamaru barked. "Hey Lee."
"Oh, hey (Y/n)! Bye!" You gave a confused look then looked back at Kiba with a smile. "See told you." Kiba gave a small chuckle and pecked your forehead before bending down to Akamaru, scratching his back. "Keep and eye out for him.."
"Kakashi let them have their fun." You giggled as you and Kakashi walked through the village with both of your teams to the training grounds. Kakashi sighed with a head shake as he grabbed his book and opened it. "I'm not babysitting your students." Kakashi glanced at your smiling face with your (e/c) eyes narrowed playfully at him. "Fair enough." "(Y/n) sensei!" You looked up only to see Naruto getting pulled back by each of your and Kakashi students. "Ugh." Kakashi chuckled and stopped walking and opened up his book and began to read. "Hey Kakashi!" "Hey Gai." "Where's your lady at?!" Kakashi pointed to you trying to pull Naruto to you. "Haha well tell her I said hi will you." Kakashi continued to stare into his book but raised an eyebrow. "Why don't you say hi yourself? Scared she's going to hurt you?" Kakashi chuckled while Gai's face turned blue with a sweat drop then chuckled and scratched the back of his head. "Hah hah hah. That too, but I tend to get nervous around her. She's really something." Kakashi closed his book and right when he did Gai looked over at him to see Kakashi staring at him. "Have a thing for her Gai?" "Hah. Well I guess but hey Kakashi no sweat." "Gai sensei!" Gai turned to see Lee running to him, Kakashi waved Gai off then walked over to you standing with your arms crossed next to students with sweat drops. "I said I wasn't babysitting." Kakashi chuckle and handed you his book. "Here. Hold onto that and Gai said hi." "Why couldn't he tell me?" "He's scared of you."
"I'll be right back. I love you Gaara." You smiled and kissed Gaara's chest as he hugged you tightly and kissed your forehead. "I love you." "Geez Gaara we'll only be gone for about ten minutes." You smiled as you and Temari left the room and as soon as the both of you did, Kankuro came into the room with a smirk. "What do you want now?" Kankuro's eyes slightly widened with another smirk. "Not here to steal your girl like Temari did. Although." Gaara's eyes immediately looked over from his desk up at Kankuro with his sea foam green eyes slightly more narrowed. "What?" "Lighten up Gaara. Maybe you need more sake. So you and (Y/n) been doing well huh?" "Yes." Gaara continued to look down at his work then up at Kankuro. "Why are you here?" "Alright fine. I have a thing for (Y/n). I just felt like I needed to tell you." Gaara looked back down at his work and gave a nod. "I see. I appreciate you telling now if." "Gaara!" You smiled as you walked into the room, he looked at you and that's when you gave an 'oops' face as if you interrupted his meeting. "Sorry." "No it's fine I was just leaving." You gave a nod towards Kankuro as Temari did the same. "What was that about?" "Nothing. How was the village?" "It was good." Gaara pulled you into his chest with both arms and stroked your (h/c) hair as he stared at the door way before smiling down at you.
"I'll be back okay." He looked at you with a blank face expression then gave his eye shut smile as he grabbed your hand. "Hurry back okay." You gave him a small then walked with Ino. Sai watched you until you were out of his sight, he then looked back down at his blank scroll and was about to draw until a shadow blocked him. "Hey Sai." Sai looked up to see Kiba staring at him with a smirk and his dog beside. "No I don't have money to support your animal." Kiba gave an eye roll then looked around then back at Sai. "Where's (Y/n)?" "You'd like that wouldn't you if she was here?" Kiba gave a small chuckle as Sai stared at him. "Well I." "Do you think I'm dumb. I know you have a thing for her. You best leave before you ended pissing yourself." Kiba looked at him with narrowed eyes before walking away with Akamaru. "Ah! Sai?!" You turned around to see Sai's arm around you as he gave his eye shut smile. "Hello."
Rock Lee
Lee smiled seeing you run up to him, he pulled you into a hug before spinning you around up off the ground. "Hurry back okay!" You smiled and gave a nod then pecked his lips once he set you down. "It's just a small run with Tenten and Ino." He gave you a grin and you gave a playful eye roll before Tenten pulled you away. Lee smiled with a sigh before going to the ground and doing push ups. "I shall do push ups until you return!" A couple of minutes into his push up Nenji walked back with a 'Tch' as he stared down at Lee. "What do you want?" "Surprised to see your not with (Y/n)." Lee kept doing push ups until he sprung up into his hands. "Yeah and? She's strong! She can handle anything that comes at her!" Nenji rolled his eyes then gave a shoulder shrug. "For once I actually agree with you. But a gorgeous girl like her shouldn't be off alone." Lee's eyebrows narrowed, he then went back onto his feet and stared at Nenji. "What? Tch alright so I admit it. I have a thing for (Y/n). Can't believe she's with you though." Just before Nenji could walk away with his clear eyes shut, Lee grabbed his arm then grabbed his shirt collar. "She's mine." Lee released him as soon as he heard your voice, he then went over to you with a smile and hugged you. "Scary." "Yeah...but that's my boy." "Uh Lee?" Lee turned to see Kakashi staring at Gai as he cheered and chuckled before crowerimg behind Kakashi once Nenji passed by with narrowed eyes. "What's up with Nenji?" "Oh nothing! I just beat him at push ups!"
"Ugh. That must suck for you." You gave an eye roll towards Suigestu as he leaned back against a tree resting his elbow on his sword. "Yeah but." You finished the rest of your sentence with a shoulder shrug, you gave him a peck in the cheek before Karin pulled you away. "Let's go already." You smiled, Karin did the same but at Sasuke when the two of you walked past him, he gave a glance at you but then up at Suigestu. "Really Sasuke? Why couldn't Karin go alone? She's gonna kill (Y/n) with her blaming." Suigestu chuckled the last part while Sasuke looked around then at Suigestu slurping his drink. "Need I remind you that we are on a mission. Not to be acting like a lover boy." Suigestu smirked and raised an eyebrow while removing the straw from his mouth. "Heh, sounds like someone's jealous. What? You didn't think I'd get a girl like (Y/n)?" Sasuke narrowed his eyes with a 'Tch' before looking away. "Seriously Sasuke? You actually got eyes for my girl?" Sasuke narrowed his eyes towards Suigestu's slightly shocked face, then walked away one him and Suigestu looked up to see you and Karin coming back. Karin jogged up to Sasuke with a love struck face while you gave an eye roll to Suigestu. "Well look who's back. Had fun?" "Shut up you know I didn't so. What's up with Sasuke? Get on his nerves again?" He gave an eye roll then put his arm around your shoulder and pecked the side of your head as you slurped down his drink. "Well. It was the other way around this time."
You pecked Jugo's forward as he was sitting in the grass with a small bird on his finger. "I'll be back." He smiled and put his forehead to yours before you walked away with Karin, you gave narrowed but playful eyes at Suigestu as he swam up to the forest's pond's edge with a smirk of his own. "Where are they going?" "To scan the area.." Suigestu laid on his back in the water and gave a chuckle. "Sucks for her to be walking with Karin but hey, you on the other hand got a good bargain." Jugo gave eyes narrowed in confused up at Suigestu as the bird traveled up his shoulder. "What do you mean? Bargain? " Suigestu peeked one eye open at Jugo then sat up in the water. "I'm saying that you got a good pick." Suigestu then sighed and swam up to the edge of the pond. "(Y/n) right? She's pretty, funny, a lot less annoying than Karin. She's cute and well I like her." "Are you saying that if (Y/n) wasn't with me, then you would want to be with her...?" Suigestu sighed and gave a shoulder shrug and laid back in the water. "Well, when you put it like that it sounds like imma try and take her from you." Jugo stared at the ground then at the bird as it flew away then back at Suigestu. "But hey. To sum it all up I might just have a thing for (Y/n)." "I see.." Jugo then lifted up his head to see you walking towards him, he gave you a small smile then stood up and hugged you tightly. "I missed you too." "I missed you more.." you smiled and pecked his forehead then sat next to him and watched a bird land on his finger while Karin and Suigestu argued.

(Okay so sorry for slow updates! Hoped you enjoyed this more to come soon!)

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