When He Left A Mark on You

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(;) Mark= Hickey)
You stretched as you walked into the kitchen, Naruto was still sleeping so you went ahead and made ramen for the two of you. Seconds later Naruto shuffled into the kitchen rubbing his eyes. "Morning Naru." "Morning (Y/-). Ahh!" You turned around to see him him flinched with a confused look before turning back around. "What?" "Heh I'm just going to say that's a burn mark." You looked at him and put down the spoon and touched your neck as he scratched the back of his. "Burn mark?" You walked past him as he went and picked up the cup of ramen. "Naruto!" He chuckled as you walked in with blushing cheeks holding two fingers on the lower part of your neck and tried not to smile. "Sorry." You smiled and giggled as he gave a cheesy grin, you kissed his cheek then took the cup of ramen before he took it back and went into the living room slurping it on the couch as you narrowed your (e/c) eyes playfully as he chuckled. "Wouldn't want you to get another burn mark (Y/n)."
Sasuke woke you up to get ready to go to the village, he was already dressed but waited in the room with you. "How long do you think we'll be back?" You turned to look at Sasuke seeing him sitting on the bed with his arms crossed. "Not sure." You gave a nod and pulled off your shirt, you were about to but on a new one but when you turned back around Sasuke was smirking at you. "Hm?" "Tch, might wanna wear a different shirt." You gave a confused look at him but when you turned to look in the mirror you slightly gasped. "Tch, we might not be gone that long now but you might wanna cover that up." He left the room as you stared at the small mark on your neck, you then rolled your eyes with blushing. "Sasuke nothing will cover it!" You walked into the living room to see him staring at you with a smirk as he rolled his eyes. "Wear one of mine and lets go." He turned his back to your smiling face, you grabbed his black shirt that had a color that was flipped up. "Ooh, comfy. Maybe I should do this more often." "Tch." You turned around with blushing cheeks as he stared at you as you walked past him.
You were on the couch eating a bowl of ramen while Akamaru's head was on your lap and Kiba was still in bed. "Why don't you go wake him up?" Akamaru lifted his head with his tongue out before jumping off the couch then barking. "Hey buddy, babe." You turned around to see Kiba only in grey sweatpants, you blushed then turned back to your noodles while Kiba landed on the couch next to you with his lead in your lap. "Hey Kiba." You looked down to see him smirking and chuckling. "What?" "Oh nothing. He leaned back up and kissed your cheek taking the empty bowl from you. "It's just that you have a little something underneath your jaw line." You gave a confused look then got up and checked in the mirror that was in the living room. "Kiba!" You traced the mark with two finger tips seeing small fang marks on the side of it. "Oops." He pulled you close as you gave a playful smirked and kissed his cheek. "Akamaru is going to get you for that." "I'm sure."
You trained with your students and Kakashi's, as you and Kakashi fought his students joined it. Naruto surprised attacked you and you landed on the ground as he did the same. "Nice work Naruto." You narrowed your eyes at Kakashi as he walked over to the both of you. "I agree." "(Y/n) sensei I'm so sorry!" You and Kakashi both looked at Naruto as he pointed to your neck, Kakashi glanced down as his eyes widened and he covered his masked mouth trying not to chuckle. "Naruto it's fine. Go train with the others." "Right!" He ran off and Kakashi lifted you up off the ground. "Why were you." "It seems that I left a mark on your neck." Your eyes widened as you covered your neck with narrowed eyes as he chucked, you punched him in the arm and he rubbed it. "Is she punching Kakashi sensei instead of me?" "Tch, probably." "Way to go Naruto. You're gonna get our sensei killed."
You let Gaara sleep in sense he never did, you were in his office organizing his desk. After you thrown away papers that were scratch you glanced up in the mirror above it then back down with a confused look. When you looked back up you noticed a mark in the crease of your neck that was at lest two fingers big. You blushed when you saw Gaara walk past you shirtless. "Morning Gaara." "Morning dear. How come you didn't wake me?" You smiled with a small shoulder shrug as he sat at his desk and gave a small smile. "What's wrong?" You gave a small smile with a giggle as he walked over to you. "Nothing." You giggled as his sea foam green eyes stared into yours before he glanced down then blushed. "Oh." "Gaara it's okay." You laughed as he pecked your cheek then went to go sit back down at his desk. "I'm not worried. But I do have a meeting here in a little and suggest you cover that up." You rolled your eyes and gave a head shake. "I planned on it." "Nothing revealing either. You don't want to get another." "Gaara?!" "I'm just kidding dear." He looked back down at his work as you left the room. "You never kid." "Exactly." He mumbled under his breath.
"Shikamaru, wake up." You stood in the side of your bed shaking him lightly, you woke up thirty minutes ago to get dressed for you and Shikamaru had to meet Team 10 and Team 7 at the training grounds, but that wasn't the only reason you wanted him up. Shikamaru groaned just for you to give narrow (e/c) eyes. "Get up." He peeked open his eyes to see your narrowed ones. "Hm?" "Morning sleepy." You gave a smirk, he then shut his eyes and sighed. "Surprised you're not tired." You blushed and gave an eye roll, when he peeked open his eyes after you sat on the bed, you pulled down your shirt just a bit to your collarbone, revealing a mark the size of a thumbprint. "I wonder." He shut his eyes after seeing it, smirking then gave a small chuckle. "What can I say? I'm not only." You cut up off with a hand over his mouth, he then chuckled and grabbed your hand, kissing it then sighing. "You're such a drag." "You are too now let's go." You got out of bed and walked into the living room, he sat up with a sigh but with a smirk. "Tch. That women."
You and Sai went to the village after the two of woke up. As you both walked with your hand in his Naruto decided to join the both of you. "Hey (Y/n). Sai." "Hey." "Yes hello." As the three of you walked through the village small children ran by causing Naruto to pull you back so they can get by. As you thanked him Naruto gave you a confused look. "Hey what happened there?" "What?" You looked where he pointed, it was a small mark on the crease of your neck. Sai started to chuckle causing the two of you to give him confused looks. "Are you that unexperienced? Haven't you seen a hickey before?" You blushed in embarrassment as Naruto stared wide eyed before Sai pulled you along and Naruto didn't follow. "Really Sai?!" "What? There's no shame on having one, you seemed not to mind." "Sai!"
Rock Lee
After your shower you noticed a small, about the size of your thumb print, mark on your neck. You smirked with small blush as you stepped out of the bathroom only to see Rock Lee doing push-ups. "Morning my beauty! Ready for our jog!" Your (e/c) eyes slightly widened as you rubbed your neck where the mark was. "Um Lee? Actually." "What happened?" You glanced up to see him in front of you, you removed your hand with blushing cheeks. "Who did this to you?!" "Lee it's fine it's just from your kisses." His wide eyes stared into yours as you giggled and hugged him. "I will run two laps as my punishment!" "Lee wa-." Before you could finish your sentence he was out the door, you sighed and went back into your room. "Lee my boy running laps already?!" "Yes Gai sensei as my punishment for leaving a bruise on (Y/n) from kissing!" Gai stopped walking and stared at Lee with all white eyes as Yamato and Kakashi chuckled. "Does that me he left (Y/n) a hi-." "I know! I know what it means!" "That's your boy huh?" "At least she made him work out!" "I think he punished himself?" "I know!"
Team Hebi stayed at a small house in the village, Suigestu sat in the living room with Sasuke and Jugo before Karin pulled you into the living room. "Karin it's fine." "You idiot look what you did!" You rolled your eyes as they all looked at you, Karin pointed to a mark that was two finger prints big with teeth circling it above your chest. Jugo looked away and so did Sasuke as Suigestu smirk as you blushed and Karin sat next to Sasuke and Suigestu walked over to you. "That goes to show that the water is my territory. And what happens in the water stays in the water." Your cheeks blushed a dark red as you puffed your cheeks then slapped the back of Suigestu's head. "What was that for?" "I love you." "Yeah, well, I love you too, do that again I'll leave another." You giggled as he pecked your lips. "Take that some where else." "Alright. We'll be in the shower." Suigestu lifted you up bridal style as you giggled. "Put me down." "It doesn't hurt does it?" "No." "Then you won't mind getting another then."
You sat up and stretched in the tent, Jugo wasn't in there, you glanced around then saw the tent open. "I'm sorry I wasn't here.." "It's okay." He smiled as he sat next to you, he pecked your forehead as you pulled your (H/c) hair to the side, you noticed his eyes slightly narrowed. "Hey, what happened here..?" You looked where Jugo was rubbing his thumb. "What is it?" "It's like a small bruise.." You stared at the ground in confusion before your eyes slightly widened with blushing cheeks. "Oh that it's a love mark." You put your two finger tips underneath your jaw line as he stared at you with a calm smile. "It doesn't hurt doesn't it..?" "No it'll go away in about a day or two." "I thought it was a love mark...?" "Well, you gave me it through your kisses." "I-I did..?" "Yeah but Jugo it's okay. I promise." You cupped his cheeks and put your forehead to his as he pulled you into a hug and hugged you tightly. "I'm sorry..I love you." "I love you too Jugo."

(Hah well hoped you enjoyed this! Don't know why this came into mind but oh well sorry if some are iffy! More to come soon! XD)

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