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Nyx sighed as she saw the damage done to the helicopter. "There's nothing here." Deadshot said to Rick, "Let me guess. Now we're going to the great big swirling trash in the sky? Cause why wouldn't we?" Deadshot brought up what Nyx had been trying to ignore all night. She knew exactly was waiting for them there, and she didn't know if she'd be able to fight them. "When does this end, Flag?" "Load up; we are in for a fight." Rick replied. Nyx rolled her eyes and walked off with the rest of the group.

Deadshot stormed his way up to the group, throwing a folder with the words "TOP SERCRET" on the top

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Deadshot stormed his way up to the group, throwing a folder with the words "TOP SERCRET" on the top. It narrowly hit Rick, slamming against a car instead, and the group turned around to face him. "You tell everyone everything." He seethed, "Or you and I are going to have some real problems." Rick looked away. "Three days ago, a non-human entity appeared in the subway station." Nyx turned away from Rick as he explained what had happened, her eyes watering. "So Waller sent me and a woman with amazing abilities. A witch. See, no one could get near this thing but the witch could." Nyx wiped her eyes, not wanting anyone to see them and question her. "Needless to say, it was a bad idea. And that's how she escaped from Waller. So now you know." "You can kill me right now, but I'm going to have a drink." Deadshot started walking towards the bar. "Deadshot, I need your help." Rick pleaded. "No, you need a miracle." One by one, the villains walked into the bar, until only Nyx, Katana and Rick remained. "You don't need a miracle." Nyx said, place a hand on Rick's arm. "You just need to give them the right motivation." Nyx gave him a hug before turning to Katana. They walked into the bar together, leaving Rick alone in the rain. 

When they walked in, Harley was playing bartender

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When they walked in, Harley was playing bartender. "Here's to honour, amongst thieves." Deadshot toasted, turning to Katana. "I'm not a thief." She said and walked off. "Oh, she's not a thief." Deadshot whispered, causing Nyx to snort. "We almost pulled it off. Despite what everyone thought. Worst part is, they're going to blame it all on us. They can't have people knowing the truth." Deadshot lamented. "You know for two sweet seconds, I had hope." El Diablo scoffed. "You had hope, huh? Hope doesn't stop the wheel from turning, my brother. It's coming back for you. How many people have you killed?" Nyx closed her eyes as she thought about how many people she had lost. "You ain't ever whacked down no women, no kids." "I don't kill women or children." Diablo nodded his head. "I do. See I was born with the devil's gift. I kept it hidden for most of my life, but, the older I got, the stronger it got. So I started using it. For business, you know. The more power on the street I got, the more fire power I got. Like that shit went hand in hand. You know? One was feeding the other. Ain't nobody tell me no. Except my old lady. You know, she used to pray for me. Even when I didn't want it." He opened a fist; a lady made of fire began dancing on his palm. "God didn't give me this. Why should he take it away? See when I get mad, I lose control. I don't what I do." He picked up his empty glass, putting it over the dancing woman. 

"Until it's done

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"Until it's done." The remaining liquid in the glass fell on the dancing woman, putting the fire out. Nyx started growing a flower in her hand.

"What about the kids?" Digger asked, confused

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"What about the kids?" Digger asked, confused. "He killed them." Harley turned to El Diablo, "Didn't you?" Tears formed in his eyes. Nyx opened his palm, placing the red flower in it. "Own that shit! Own it!" Harley yelled, "What did you think was going to happen? That you could just have a happy family? Coach little league and make car payments? Normal's a setting on the dryer. People like us, we don't get normal." Digger scoffed. "Why is it that every time you open your mouth, it's a knife fight?" He shook his head. "You know on the outside, you're amazing, but on the inside, you're ugly." Harley scoffed. "We all are! Except for him," She pointed to Waylon, "He's ugly on the outside too." 

Nyx spoke up for her friend, "No

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Nyx spoke up for her friend, "No. He's beautiful." She smiled back at him. He raised his glass in appreciation. Nyx's smile faded as she grew vines from the floor. Reaching into them, she found her photo album. Nyx placed the photo album on the counter. "Before I disappear from their lives, I take a photo. So when they are long gone I can still remember them." She started leafing through the book. "Who many pictures are there?" Digger asked. "6,139. That is also the amount of times I have tried to commit suicide and the reason I don't carry weapons." She went quiet after that, just looking through the pictures. Rick walked through the door and sat next to Nyx at the bar. "We don't want you here." Harley said. "If I don't stop that witch it's all over. Everything is over." Rick sighed, before ripping off a device. Smashing it against the bar, "You're free to go." Digger instantly took off, beers in both hands. He then slid a bundle of envelopes to Deadshot. "Your daughter writes to you. Every single day." Deadshot's eyes teared up as he read the first envelope. Rick went to stand up, but Deadshot stopped him. "You had these the whole time?" He asked. Rick nodded, "I'm gonna get you there. And you are going to end this. I'm gonna carry your ass there if I have to. 'Cause this shit is gonna be like a chapter from the Bible. Everyone's gonna know about this." Deadshot walked out, followed by Harley, El Diablo and Waylon. Rick stayed, looking at Nyx. She looked over at him and waved him over. "I think you might want to look at this." She left the album on the counter and walked out the bar. Rick look at the last picture on the album. Shocked he quickly left the bar and chased after Nyx, leaving the album open. 

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