I'll take your pain.

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"I know, I love you too."
Over and over my head repeated this. Wishing, praying it would change my life. Make me happy, make them happy.

I got nervous every time I thought about the day when my eyes would squint once more, at the bright light that will stand before me.

Over and over I prayed I'd have the courage to say it back and mean it.

"I know, I love you too."

Did I? I did.

I was standing on the edge every time I thought to ask, "will you please stand by me?" The reply of 'maybe' is what made me sink, dance, float, smile, and cry.

Why do you frown? Who did this? I know. How could they?

They walk away, and cause you pain.

Tell me do you trust me? When all had failed I stayed, and promised to always be close by in case you needed me, but did you know?

I'll stand on the edge until you tell me to jump. I'll rip the pain from you and take it for myself.

Don't ever get me wrong because...

Over and over in my head I hoped, you knew I cared.

Always too scared to ask you, I decided against it.

I wanted once, for you to ask.

"I know, I love you too."

So scared he'd hurt me every time I walked into his arms for hug. So scared I'd do something wrong but no, I didn't dare tell you.

Over and over again in my head I wondered how much hurt was consuming you.

Did I have more? It wasn't possible.

Pain was pain. No amount too small, no amount less then another.

God I prayed you'd stick to your word.

Where she asked too much, I asked for nothing.

In a different path I only ever loved you because I cared.

Was the love true? I knew it was.

Still, over and over I prayed....

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