It is possible that investing your energy on unnecessary duties may be a waste of time. Perhaps, to assign your time to events that may not matter the most in your life, would consume a great deal of time of yours which you are supposed to be using it on performing others things that really help you the best and matter the most to you.
For instance, imaging going out for dinner and after that, you decide to visit a friend, whose friendship is very important to you; ok that's good, in terms that it satisfies you a lot to meet your friend; nevertheless, at home there are house shores to be done solemnly by you. There is no one else at home that could help you. In addition, you have some home works to perform for college and they should get done no later than this coming week. Also you have to get ready for the volleyball game which also coming up the same date. Do you see from where the idea comes from?. These activities require enough time to go over them and what should you do in order to get them well done or perfect, if you will.
Do not allow those things that matter the less to take over the things that matter the most in your life. Life is too short, many people think. And you are responsible for accomplishing the activities that matter the most to you. Every day, set aside a bit of time for you and ask yourself the question, is this the best time and energy?. Time management is life management, to use an author's words. It means that People most guard time with a great deal of care, if you will. And remember God is there for you help you, just in case, it may be difficult for you to accomplish your work. God bless you.
Talk to you soon,
Thank you for reading.
Que Bueno
SpiritualSi sientes que hay algo mas que existe para ti. Estas en lo cierto. Yo lo conozco. Su nombre es Jesús. Cuando empece a escribir, siempre quise compartir las buenas nuevas del Señor Jesús. Es por eso que me estaré explicando. El Señor es real...