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Steven was Garnet' s secret santa.She has watch him grow as a crystal gem. They have a great friendship.Steven wanted to do something different for her. Steven looked up into the sky and an idea came into his mind. Steven decided to name a star after her. He went to the computer to look up how does a person discover a star. Steven read the information and had a confused look on his face. Plan B was to called his friend Rolando Fryman for help.The phone was ringing and then he pick up.
Rolando: Hello Steven!!!
Steven: Hello Rolando, I was wondering how does a person discover a star?
Rolando:Well Steven,I had help with Dr. Sheldon Cooper. He taught me everything.
Steven: Cool,I heard he is very intelligent and funny.
Rolando: Yes he is.
Rolando told Steven where to find the scientist and they said their goodbyes. Steven knock on the door and was greeted by Sheldon Cooper. Sheldon and Steven had a good conversation about stars. Steven gave him a paper list of stars that hasn't been discovered yet and Steven pick a red  star that reminds him of Garnet. Steven told Sheldon thank you and Sheldon told him you're welcome. Steven told his Garnet star document and wrap it up in a special envelope.

          (Steven POV)

Wow this is awesome,first I name a star after Garnet and second I actually met Dr. Sheldon Cooper. Rolando was right,Sheldon is cool. Garnet is gonna love this!!!!

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