Chapter 07

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"So, Harry's babysitting you?" I could taste the awkward in the air as I sat across the table from this chick. She was nervous and she wasn't really good at hiding that, she was constantly clearing her throat and looking at her watch. "Yeah, sadly." I mumbled softly. The air was thick and I couldn't help but curse Harry for leaving me alone with 'Eleanor' or as he called her 'Ellie' It was obvious that she didn't want me there, hell I didn't even want me there, the girl was a freaking weirdo with a love for freaking birds, out of all animals, birds.

"Harry tells me you're still in high school?" I wanted to yell at her and tell her to stop acting like she actually cared what I did for a living and to cut the crap, but there was a voice inside my head telling me to shut the hell up and be nice. "Yeah I'm in the 10th grade." I nodded. "I- I could get you something to drink you know, like ah- water or coffee or erm I don't know, anything?"

"Beer would be great." I grinned, watching her nervous smile fall. "I'd totally give you that, but Harry already told me not to give you any alcohol nor let you leave the house and he said to make sure you don't call anyone over and that you would somehow try to get me to let you do these things, but that I would have to stand my ground." Screw Harry and his rules. "Besides, he'll be here any minute now to come and take you home."

"Oh please, he's Harry, do you really think he'll blow off his date with his slut to come take me home? He's probably busy shoving his tongue down that girl's throat while we spea-" I was cut off when someone cleared their throat behind me. "Actually, I'm not."

I turned around slowly and watched Harry who was raising an eyebrow at me, "Well then look at that, someone got bored with her now didn't you?" I smirked. He rolled his eyes and sighed as he walked up to Eleanor to thank her. "Did she give you any trouble?" I watched as her eyes shifted between Harry and I, before stopping on him. "No, not at all." She smiled. Harry nodded and gave her a hug, telling her that it was getting late when really it was only 10pm. "Well, Emily. It was great meeting you." She smiled, throwing her arms around my shoulders. I stood there awkwadly and just mumbled a small yeah, before having her release me.

"See you around El." Harry yelled, before joining me in his car. "I'm grad that you behaved yourself tonight." He said, as he started the car up. "It was awkward as fuck you know." I sighed, leaning back into my seat. "Well, you just need to get to know her, she's shy."

"Harry, the first hour I was there she was talking about her birds, it was weird. She did't look all that shy while she was making weird bird sounds. And then she told me about how her one bird, Keegan, started tal- oh my gosh, what the hell is this?" His eyes shot up to me as I removed the bright pink thong from next to my seat. "Hey give me that." He snatched the thin piece of underwear from my hand and pushed it into his skinny jeans' pockets, before clearing his throat and looking at the road in silence. My eyes were wide as I took him in. He was no longer wearing the belt he wore before he left me with Eleanor, his hair was no longer styled perfectly and his arms had light scratches all over them. "Please tell me you guys did it on that seat and not mine." I whined.

"Well then I guess you wouldn't want me to answer that." There was silence for a moment as I took in what he just said, before a high pitched whine escaped my lips. "Yeah, I might have to clean that seat tomorrow." He was finding my reaction amusing and that was pissing me off even more. I couldn't help but notice the strange feeling that cramped through my chest at the thought of him getting off with some chick while I was miserably waiting for him to show up and take me home. I ignored it and shook my head to get the image out of my head.

As soon as we stopped at my house, I was out of his car. I could hearing him laughing behind me, mocking me when I was trying to get the image of him touching, kissing, holding someone else. The feeling was stinging in my chet and I didn't quite understand it. maybe I was just disgusted that he would do such things in his car, where anyone could walk past and see him doing...her.

With sweaty hands I unlocked the front door and kicked it open with my foot. Harry's footsteps were heard behind me as I approached the kitchen and stepped inside. Within seconds I had a full glass of water down my throat and was busy filling the next as Harry laughed behind me. "You're seriously downing water now because I had sex with a girl in the seat you just sat in?"

No, I'm downing water cause there is a weird burning in my chest and my eyes and I have no idea what the hell is going on! "I could care less what you do in the seat on your car okay. I'm just thirsty."

I turned around and pushed passed him, refusing to meet his eyes, his beautiful green eyes with the long lashes and perfect eyebrows and the cute dimples that form around them when he smi-agg. I shook my head as I jogged up the stairs and into my room where I shut my door. The minute my head was on the pillow, my emotions started running free. Tears painted my cheeks and my whole body curled up into a ball, and all that I could think to blame it on, was stupid hormones.

"I like it when you wear your hair like that." He smirked, bringing me closer to his chest. "And why's that?" I chuckled, feeling his lips brush againt my neck. "Because you always cover your face with it, it looks better when you have it all pushed back."

"And you know how I love your hair?"


"I love it when it's all curly and covering your forehead, it looks so cute, not that this hair style doesn't look hot, I just, I really like your curly hair more." He laughed and shook his head, running his hand through the hair he had lifted from his forehead. "It annoys me when it's on my forehead sometimes it covers my eyes and it just gets so frustating." I laid my head back on his shoulder and closed my eyes, taking in the scent of the bubble bath he suggested we try out.

"The water's getting cold, I think we've been in here for too long."

A small laugh left his lips before he leaned closer to my ear, "Water tends to get cold after two rounds of fuc-"

"Hey, hey get up." Harry whispered as he sat on his knees next to my bed and shook my shoulder lightly. "Harry?" My voice came out weak and broken as I looked up at him,"Hey Ems."

I sat up and looked at the small alarm next to my bed, it's only 2am." I mumbled. I looked down at him and watched as he got up from his knees and sat next to me. "I just needed to say sorry." He sighed.

"What for?" I questioned. "I'm really sorry that I was like that in the car, that isn't the way to talk to a lady and it was rude of me to laugh at you." I smiled up at him and wrapped my arms around his waist, "It's okay, just please don't do it again, you know, slut around with some chick while I'm alone with some scary bird lady."

"She's not some scary bird lady."

He laid down next to me and shook his head before casually hooking his arm around my hips and pulling me closer, "Sleep."

(Okay so we have our school holiday now, for like a month and a half, so I'll be able to update like every day now. Comments and votes would really mean a lot and it would even make me update more often so please remember to comment and vote :) xxx)

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