Chapter 17

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"-now I don't mind you eating my veggies, that's totally fine, I don't mind that. But Liam.... the chips, the chips! You can't just go around eating a man's chips!" Niall exaggerated. Liam stuffed the two chips he had just stolen from Niall, into his mouth, holding eye contact without even blinking. Niall let out a high pitched whine as he watched his best friend swallow his food, "Friendship....over." He declared, pushing his chair out. He banged his hand against the table and pushed himself off his seat, "Friendship over!" He yelled, causing most of the students in the cafeteria to turn and look at him. Liam didn't respond, smirking at his best friend. Without another word, Niall turned around and headed over to the large doors of the cafeteria, leaving Liam and I alone. "Was he being serious?" I asked, taking a bite from my burger after.

Liam shrugged, a smirk still clear on his smooth baby face. "I don't know, doubt it. I'll just get him a doughnut on our way home. So you say your cousin's gonna get you this afternoon?" He asked, his eyes focused on his tray. "Yeah, we agreed on spending the afternoon together. So you like him then?" I set my burger down and leaned back in my seat, juice box in hand. "Yeah, like I said, he seems cool. A little protective over you, though."

"Oh you're one to speak. You have been like the father I never had since I met you. You wanted to meet Nathan before you allowed me to date him! And what do you mean? He's not protective at all." Liam raised an eyebrow and chuckled dryly, leaning forward in his seat. "Did you see how he reacted to Mr. Malik's name? His eyes were bigger than his fists! He obviously doesn't want his little cousin getting involved with just anyone, he wants the best for you. I guess it's not really a bad thing, you know... you always go for the assholes." I couldn't argue there, in fact, Harry was just another asshole I was going for. "Liam James Payne," I gasped, "Did you just say assholes?"

"I had to, there is no other word to describe the guys you go for... well there are, but that was the nicest one I had." He smiled. "Hmm, you're turning into a little rebel,aren't you?"


With my science book in hand, I headed over to my least favourite class ever. When I walked in, ma'am Shadel already stood in front of her class. 'Newton's laws' written on her huge black board in the front. I wanted to whine and pull my hair out, I was so fucking sick of learning about Newton's laws! Since I was a little late for class, there was only one seat open, the one next to Barbra. She was a former science partner of mine, and probably the least social person ever. She drove me fucking mad with her knee length socks, mostly orange dresses, with vests that always prevented her arms from showing. Her red hair was always plaided to the right, brown freckled cheeks and a matching nose, along with her bright blue eyes. She was tiny, short and skinny as can be. She was pretty, of couse, in her own way, just like everyone else in this world, but she drove me nuts.

I sighed as I got into the seat next to her, seeing her stiffen from the corner of my eye. "Now, who can tell me what Newton's first law of motion is?" I looked around the class, noticing that no one had their hands up, not even bothering to try and answer ma'am Shadel's question. "Anyone?"

"Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it. Now I can't remember his second law but I know his third is that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." My eyes widened, the deep, slow voice was just too familiar. Everyone in class had turned to the door to look at Harry who was leaning against the door frame. "That is correct. May I help you sir?" I wanted to punch the girls who were whispering how hot he was, hell I even wanted to punch ma'am Shadel for even talking to him. "Erm, yeah. I'm here to get Emily, she's leaving a bit earlier today." His eyes scanned the class before stopping on me, a smirk forming on his lips. I sighed happily as I took my unopened book from my desk and pushed my chair out. "Baby." I admit that I only called him that to get all the other girls to know that they couldn't have him, I guess I'm just selfish like that. I pecked his lips once I reached him, and pulled away, seeing a frown grow on his forehead. "Ah, thanks." He told ma'am Shadel, before following me out the room.

"You just kissed me in front of all those people." He said softly, once we got to my locker, as I threw my science book in side. "Yeah, so?" I slammed my locker closed and turned around to face him, a frown still on his face. "Emily, you know you and I are not together right? Cause if you don't you should know that this," he motioned between us, "is not dating, okay?"

"Alright." My voice came out softer than I had planned for it to. His frown replaced itself with a smirk as he mumbled a small 'good'

We walked next to each other, making our way to the school's exit. As we walked around one of the corners, Zayn was standing a few feet away, his back to us as he spoke to one of the year 12 teachers. Harry paused in his footsteps, causing me to do the same. He reached out and grabbed my hand tightly, lacing our fingers. I looked up at him, seeing him glare at Zayn, before he started walking again, smiling as Zayn turned around and noticed us, his eyes drifting to our linked hands. "Hey mate." Harry said politely. I had no idea what was going on, Zayn and Harry just seemed to really piss each other off. Which was understandable, since one of them was Harry.

Zayn didn't respond to Harry at all, only smirked and shook his head. "Thought you said we weren't together, why did you make it seem that way with Zayn now?" I asked him, once we reached his car and got in side. "I'm taking you to Eleanor's now. I have to help my mum get her piano from my nan's house, but I'll see you tonight." So he goes with changing the subject then... "Didn't you say that you and I were gonna spend today together earlier?" I raised an eyebrow at him as he started reversing from his parking space. "Shit... look I'm sorry but can we move that to tomorrow? I already told my mum yes."

I folded my arms over my chest and looked out of my window, feeling him place his hand on my thigh as he started driving down the road, "Look, I'm really sorry, I'll make it up to you, I swear." I chose to ignore him and slapped his hand from my thigh.

I know it was really stupid of me to get upset over something so stupid, after all, family comes first, but it pissed me off that he made plans with someone else when he had plans with me, even though it was his mother. "Emily, don't be a bitch about it."

"Shut up Harry, just take me to the bird lady's house." His hands tightened on the steering wheel as he turned into her street. I waited till we were in her drive way, before I opened my door and attempted to get out, but Harry's hand on mine stopped me. I turned to look at him and was immediately pecked on my lips, a peck I did not return. I pulled my hand from his and got out of his car, slamming the door beind me. Eleanor was standing on her porch, eyes wide as she looked over at Harry, then myself, and Harry again. "Holy fuck. What have you gotten yourself into?"

(Alright so it's 2am here and I am so tired right now. I know it short, and I haven't updated all week, but I was at my friend house for 5 days, cause I was at the beach for 2weeks and didn't get to see her once, and then when I finally got home and decided to update, my whole chapter deleted itself... I was so sad I actually cried. It was like a good 4 maybe 5 pages long. I'm gonna start updating often again, even though school's starting again next week. Please don't forget to vote, comment and follow and if you want a follow back, just say so :-) good night xxx)

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