Chapter 14

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The house was quiet, completely and utterly dead. I had no idea where Harry was, if he was even home. After he threatened me, then complemented me I guess I just had enough, pushing past him and storm up to my room. Now here I was, laying on my bed in silence. It was around 7pm, and I was actually getting a head ache from lack of action. I sighed as I pushed myself up from my bed and went to my mirror to run my fingers through my messy and knotted hair. I rubbed at my eyes and pinched my unusually white cheeks, till they were a light pink. After I decided that I did in fact look presentable, I left my room and headed down the stairs. All lights were off but there was a dim light shining from the dining room when I passed it. I stepped in side and gasped as I took in my surroundings.

The table was set with two white plates and my mother fancy cutlery - which she only used for special occasions - was placed next to them. There were 3 little candles in the middle of the table, along with a white rose next to it. Light, classical music was playing smoothly from my grandmother's record player in the corner of the room,

"Do you like it?" I turned around and looked at Harry who was standing in the doorway which I had just entered through. He wore a black blazer, a white buttoned down shirt under it, with his usual black skinny jeans and a pair of black boots. "It's beautiful. I presume Taylor's coming over?"

He chuckled as he pushed himself from the frame of the door, walking towards me slowly, "Actually, it's for you. I should never have spoken to you the way I did." He reached out to my hand and took it into his large one, lacing our fingers, "I would never hurt you physically in a million years. I guess I just said that to get you scared so you'd back away from...him." He said softly.

He guided me to the tabled and pulled my chair out for me. I wanted to thank him, but my words just wouldn't get out. They were stuck inside my throat, along with my heart. He kissed my temple and told me he'd be right back, before heading through the door leading towards the kitchen. I glanced to my right and widened my eyes when I saw the small box sitting next to Harry's glass of wine.

When he came back, he smiled sheepishly with a box of pizza in his hand, "I remember you mentioning that you haven't had pizza in a while." I laughed as he opened the box and grabbed each of us a slice, "Woa, I was expecting something like your best chicken pasta, you know, seeing as you used my mother's favorite cutlery. But pizza? You totally just made my day." I chuckled.

He smirked proudly as he sat down across from me, "Look, I even got you a rose. You should be flattered." He said, pointing to it.

"Oh trust me, I am." We smiled at one another, Harry reaching out and opening his hand for me to place mine inside. "I'm breaking up with Taylor." His hand tightened around mine, before releasing it and reaching out for his glass of wine. "What? Why? I thought you liked her?"

"Obviously I don't like her enough, I mean having you on my mind 24/7 while being with her is a bit odd." The room was silent again, the only sound being the music as we ate our food.

After both of us finished our second slice of pizza, Harry pulled his chair out and walked around the table. He took my hand and got me out of my seat, before wrapping his arms around my waist, while mine hung around his shoulders. He moved us slowly, his face buries into my neck as I rested my chin on his shoulder. He was pressed up against me, making me feel his chest expand as he inhaled.

After a few more minutes of being in that position, Harry pulled his head from my neck and looked down at me, his hands moving up to cup my cheeks. His green eyes burned into mine as he inched closer and closer to my lips, till his lips were pushed to mine and I watched his lids close, allowing mine to do the same.

He took my bottom lip between his lips and massaged it lightly with the lip on his tongue. A shiver rocked through my body, having Harry remove his hands from my face and wrap his arms around my shoulders to pull our bodies even tighter together.

"Harry." I looked down and placed my hands on his chest to push him away, "What? What's wrong?"

"That's all you're getting till you dump that whore." I smiled. He shook his head and chuckled, pulling away. He turned to the table and got the same box I saw earlier, handing it to me. "I'm sure you'll like it." He smiled.

I opened the top of it and chuckled joyfully. I was so scared that it would be something cheesy like a bracelet or something, but he managed to give me just what I wanted, "This is the best gift you could ever get a teenager you know." I grinned, pulling my phone out of it. "I know, I was a teenager once before"

I hugged him and pecked his lips, "Thank you, for everything tonight." He nodded going for another peck, "You forgive me then?"

"Of course."


"You lied to me." Zayn's head shot up from the papers he was busy grading, his eyes wide, "Sorry?" His pen dropped from his grip as he folded his arms over his desk and frowned up at me, "You told me Harry lied to sleep with her. You knew they were dating, and that Harry didn't lie about anything. What the fuck Zayn?" Panic flashed through his eyes, only for a second, before he shook his head, "I- well- Harry is lying."

"Cut the crap, Zayn. You are such a fucking delusional asshole! From now on your only my teacher, okay? No more staying after school and talking to one another, no more going out for coffee and no more fucking complaining about Harry. From now on you will only hear from me when I need you to help me with work, okay? Delete my number." I turned around and started making my way to his door, "Hey, hey, hey. Wait! Okay," he pushed his chair out as I turned back to him and started heading towards me, "I did lie, alright! But it's only because you're fooling around with Harry, from all people, fucking Harry! And he is in a relationship. If Taylor were to find out about this she'd go fucking insane, that chick is nuts okay."

"Harry's leaving her." I stated, folding my arms over my chest. "What?"

"He's leaving her." I repeated. "For you?"

"Yeah, for me."

(I'm sorry it's so short I know. I'm just so tired, since new years eve was last night and my friends wouldn't let me sleep till it was 3am. But I'll try to update again tomorrow :) xxx Enjoy 2014 :D.)

By the way, I have a new Styles Twins fan fic, and it would mean a lot if you guys read it. It's on my profile :) please vote and tell me what you think?

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