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We pulled into the driveway. Lui's car didn't blow like I thought it would. "Follow me" I said and waited for him to get out of his car and made it to the sidewalk. It was in seconds, he was right by my side. I grabbed ahold of his arm and pulled him along as I ran to the back window of my room. "Help me" I said and he locked his hands for me to step on.

"Sorry I don't want my heels jabbing into you" I warned and turned around. "Oh yeah huh!" He said in his squeaker voice which always makes me happy. He placed his hands around my waist and raised me and helped me get into the window. I turned around to only see him jumping that whole thing. I stared at him for a moment and just stood there until he spoke up. "What? Never saw someone do such a thing? Told you I was better than you" I could tell he said that through a smirk which made me giggled and walk past him.

He followed me as we walked into the room of mine. "I'm going to change real quick" I said and turned around and walked into my walk-in closest. I took my whole suit off and as I was stripping down to my waist, I turned to my left and saw Lui just now looking away. I rushed to the shut the door and locked it. No one should know my real identity but me. I put another outfit on. It was almost like putting a one-z. I loved it a lot. I don't work well with leather. The last time I had that, I had trouble with moving and fighting like I am used to. So now I wear silky shit. But I make sure my boob area is padded.

"Holy shit" I heard Lui say. I noticed I had my earpiece on. My house is hooked with a sound system. I turned around and noticed Lui wasn't in the same room I was. I knew exactly where he was. I exited my room and walked out past the hallways and under the staircase and saw that he was in my garage. I leaned against the wall and smiled at him.

His hands just softly collided with the touch of him on my cars. "Like what you see? I have my secret and more better cars kept locked away" I said and turned around and went back towards my room. I could hear Lui coming up from behind as well.

I walked past the bed and into the walk in closet. "Okay, I'm only showing you this once and only you. Give me your hand" I say as he raises his hand to me. I grabbed it and slowly pulled his thumb out and put it on the scanner. It asked if I wanted his thumb as a new code in the machinery and I accepted and put the main code in to accept that and let it become a thing. Now only two thumbs as keys could open the secret room.

"Okay, place your thumb or hand anywhere on the door" I said and Lui looked at me for a good six seconds. "Wait it just works like that? No way" he said and hurried to the wall and just a tap on the wall, the whole thing turned into a spiral wall and completely opened up and led us to another part of the house. I always loved that it did that.

"Holy shit no fucking way!!" He yelled and walked into the room with me by his side and stared at the all white lighted walls with pretty black designs. There was two doors and I wanted to get all the guns we could for right now. I walked in front of him and opened the first door. I got into position and kept the thought in my head that tonight is the night. I am to complete this mission or it will go to an end. The Vulture will go to an end. I can't leave or die.

I smiled through a frown and just grabbed the bag I had and loaded it with weapons. Bombs, stickey bombs, launchers, rockets and all, I wanted to surprise the others with them. "Are you sure you can carry this all?" Lui asked me once I was done. "You already have two bags. One bag is the least I could do to help now go" I said and without a word, Lui exited the first room we are in. "Go in that door and do whatever you'd like. Not whatever you'd like but just pick something" I said. "Alright" Lui seemed to be studying the door for a second and then it went so quiet. Lui was like a little boy again looking around.

"Woah!" His high pitched voice yelled making me giggle silently. I walked to my white Lamborghini and Lui walked to the blue one. The cars didn't need keys, I preferred them without keys and other things like that. I tapped the keypad and the car turned on. Lui's turned on a second after mine had and we slowly drove it out of the garage and out the tunnel and onto the highway. "Race you there" I heard Lui yell which made me smile more than I was. "Wait what about your car?" I yelled and Lui smiled. "I'll have the mechanic bring it down!" I pushed the gas a bit harder, getting my unexpected boost and my hair danced with the wind. I knew Lui was probably shocked.

By the time we got there, Vanoss and the crew had been waiting in the facility for us. Or I think it was a facility, didn't look like a warehouse to me! As I got out the car and carried the bag with me inside, I fell to my knees and screamed in agony. Lui dropped what he had and ran over to me. The doors opened and it revealed Vanoss and he looked stunned. "We wasn't getting anything on the computers of your location and thought she had killed you so we kind of the magic. I'm sorry I only thought something bad happened.." he said rushing to me and helping me up. I pushed him away softly and nodded understanding. I'd do the same if it was my best friend I thought had died. I regained the normal feeling and the awful and painful feeling went away after a couple of minutes and grabbed the bags and walked inside without saying a word. Lui looked a bit unsteady as well. Whatever Vanoss had just done there, was what I wanted to learn about. I wanted to kidnap people, give them a shot and threaten them and force them to join my crew.

Me and Lui dropped the bags off in the meeting room and everyone around must have been so interested or excited to see what it was. "How can a small girl like you afford all do this?" Delirious chuckled and I rolled my eyes. "How could someone so stupid looking be so deadly and fun?" I asked and the others chuckled lightly around me.

"Can someone fully tell me what you guys injected inside of me?" I said walking around holding onto my neck. "It's an unimportant injection thing that only made you weak for an amount of time. That's all that he put inside of it but other then that, the rest is just a locater. It goes for a short amount of distance but we are working on expanding it. You're the first so it's new to us as well. If you take a look at your neck.. we replaced your last necklace with a shocking necklace. It blends in well and can't really be removed until I remove it myself.. If there is any cramps, please just report to Mini so he could check up on you" Nogla said and I kind of just stood there.

"Guys.. Just check what you need and load it all together. We have an important mission coming ahead later tonight so be prepared" Vanoss said in a stern voice and just walked back towards the steal rooms. That must have been an important place.

Just great. How am I suppose to know what the actual hell I am suppose to be doing?

The Masks // Vulture (The Vanoss Crew)Where stories live. Discover now