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"Good.. now let's go practice shooting and getting the hang of this shit again. I'll tell you the plans once we get to the greenhouse with targets.." I said turning around walking down the hallway. Everyone must be excited to finally get our sweet revenge of all of this. Tyler needs to be sat down.


I woke up to a growling belly. I stretched my arms out and woke up as if everything was a dream. I didn't feel in pain like I thought I felt. My thigh hurt a small bit and so did my arm but I felt great. I sat up slowly and felt sharp pain in my arm. I looked down and saw an IV hooked up to my wrist. I slowly moved it back and took it out. I held the small hole since there wasn't no bandaids around. I got up unplugging everything and tip toed out of the room. This place is familiar.

I saw an elevator in site and decided to attempt to see where I was. Going on the top of the building would make more sense as to finding out where I am. I followed my way up and tried to find out how to get to the roof. I will admit I felt like I had slept through weeks of sleep. I was starving so much.

After finding my way on the roof, I felt the breeze hit me. I looked around astonished of the surroundings. I know exactly where I am. I am here at my crew's place. I am at this home. I held my elbows and smiled. This was a beautiful site and I feel like I haven't seen it in forever. I heard the cars honking, the screeching of a cars gas being pushed, the sounds of people walking on the sidewalks nearby, the buses. I was appreciative at this moment. I laughed out loud at how stupid I was thinking. What am I in? Heaven?

I kind of froze at that question. Where were the others? I looked down and stared at my figure. I was much skinnier and I felt as if I wasn't as strong as I used to be. My thighs were mini. I was disgusted. The shorts I wore were probably big as droid to fit. I wore a tshirt that probably belonged to Mae. I turned around and suddenly heard the sirens go off. "Oh god..." I whispered and hurried inside. I bet I gave everyone a scare. I took a deep breath and walked down the half staired stairs and went towards the elevator until I heard talking coming my way.

"You said she wasn't there!? Look again" I jumped at the voice and stood there as the voice I couldn't quite recognize got closer. "Alright let me check if it's clear up here.. wait- I found her." I stared eye to eye with Basically. My cheeks raised and stretched and he came closer to hug me. I flinched at just the touch of his arms colliding with my shoulders. "You're awake.. I can't believe it" he nearly whispered. His voice cracked.

I leaned in and hugged him and stayed in his arms. This is what I missed. Them. The elevator door opened and revealed most of the crew crowded in that tiny elevator. It was actually pretty funny if you ask me. We backed up and I took a look at everyone else. Vanoss seemed much more taller, Lui looked a bit more buffer, Mini looked less tensed.. Daithi didn't look as dog-ish.. no offense. I don't know what else to say other than how everyone just looked more mature. Of course Mae was more beautiful than ever. I smiled at her before anyone else which she smiled back. She was almost too perfect. I turned back to Vanoss and went in for a hug. Daithi and Terroriser were cheering and bro fisting each other. They seemed so happy. "Hey guys" I gave them a side hug. My cheeks were now hurting from smiling so much.

And lastly, I turned back to Lui who stood there tall and straight. He only had on a pair of sun glasses and wore a longer jacket. It went down his legs. That long. I rubbed my eyes real quick and went in for a hug.. but instead it wasn't really a hug. It was more of a side hug. He didn't really say anything but pull away soon and joined Mae once again. I smiled, more confused and just tried to not let the smallest thing get to me. I watched back to Vanoss and held my left elbow. "Lets go inside guys.. it's too windy" Nogla whispered making us all laugh. I nodded and followed behind Moo.

• • •

"How do you feel?" Lui and Mini asked me. "I feel okay.. a little shaken up but it'd because I'm-" I was cut off by Mini. "—Do you want to know how long you had your beauty sleep?" He gushed. I smiled and nodded. "Yes I'd actually love to. Surprise me" I rested my head on my hands looking at him. "Almost two months. Right now if you didn't wake, this was basically your second chance but if you didn't wake up.. we would have thought you were brain dead. We thought we would have lost you for good.. but Vanoss told us to keep trying so we did. I'm sorry.." he apologized and slowly looked down. "Hey no it's okay. That was a smart thing to do. Thank you so much.. that really–.... —it means a lot. I owe you guys one" I looked towards the door. "I'm starving.. I'll chat later guys but I am doing okay. Two months? What the hell happened while I wasn't conscious?" I chuckled and jumped off the seat and walked out the door.


I watched as the door shut. "When are we going to tell her the things that went down while she was literally dead? Sorry but I might spill it soon. I ain't lying to my little sister dude" Mini said breaking the silence. "I am not going to break her heart and tell her I am with Mae. And I am definitely not telling her we took down Tyler and his crew because that's what her life goal was. She'd be upset and would probably go against the crew. Maybe she won't.. maybe she will. She'd feel just as betrayed and hurt. It wasn't for us to do that but we did. And I am not going to tell her that her place was replaced by Wildcat. She is going to obviously feel out of place. But yes. Like you said.. she'd find out no matter what. So there is no need for me to get close with her again if she's just going to hate me anyways" I said getting up. "Lui, man come on" Mini wined but I shut the door on him.

I lifted my shades up and wiped my dried eyes. I soon felt presence next to me. I turned to look and saw Vulture leaning on the wall. "Instead of treating me like I'm nonexistent, make sure you check who's on the other side of the door" she said and turned around slowly and walked off. My heart was in my gut. I didn't know what to think because I knew I did wrong and I did a pretty shitty thing. I let out a shaky breath and stared at her as she went down the elevator. Oh god.. I'm sorry Vulture.


After settling down and getting pretty.. tonight was the night I was gonna do something and be Vulture tonight. I stared at myself in the mirror and applied makeup real quick and jumped into my outfit and put on my new mask. Instead of putting on a whole mask, I put on the accessory that people wear to balls that hide their face (eyes) a bit. I began hating masks because I hated sweating so much under it. I put my hair up in a pony tail and took a deep breath. It was almost shut down hours but I'm rebellious and can never actually to told to do things. I smirked a bit at the thought of that one time Delirious told me that Vanoss told me I was suppose to load the weapons up with him and I didn't do it at all and we attended a small hijacking mission with no ammo. We successfully took the people out with each of our sneak attacks though and got the mission done so it's okay. I ran down the hall knowing my combat boots were clicking with the ground. I was using the stairs instead of the elevator. I didn't want to be so goddamn loud.

After getting towards the front, I put my hands on the front doors knowing that anyone who was on watch tonight will see me. I tip toed slipping myself outside and letting my breath go once I got out. I stood there and took a step down the stairs. It's been forever since I was able to do this once again. First of all, I need to go to my place to get a vehicle of mine. Oh wait didn't the once say that they fixed it and repaired it? It was around the first couple of days I got here and they accidentally destroyed it. My thoughts were interrupted by someone who I wasn't excited or happy to see. Great.


The Masks // Vulture (The Vanoss Crew)Where stories live. Discover now