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Just great. How am I suppose to know what the actual hell I am suppose to be doing?


"It's happening in a few hours, just be prepared. Do you need to be loosened up?" Vanoss asked me. I was still mentally freaking out about this whole situation. "What the hell does that mean? Why can't I just simply walk out of this place? I have a family, I have victims, I have a life you know that! I don't want to be your fucking slave!" I shouted out in anger and then Vanoss sat up from his chair and screamed at me. "Look we need you and I don't care if you aren't willing to help but we need you! It's just a simple task. Be happy we haven't tied you up and kept you locked in a room like we do with Jonathan" he said with venom in his voice.

I stepped back and drooled at him with confusion. "Who's Jonathan?" I asked and he rubbed his face with his hands. "Never mind. Please step out of my office. I have to get back to work but I promise I'll actually sit and talk with you later okay?" he said. "No tell me who Jonathan is-", "—Out" he barked and I put my hands up in surrender and walked out the door. I kind of just stood there. How am I going to still be Vulturenelia if I am being held captive?

"Hi there again.. C'mon. Basically and I were given a task. We are to show you around and show you a small little area you will be staying in for a while" he said and I didn't say a word but follow him. The guy I'm guessing who was "Basically" wore a suit and had a monkey mask on. Lui always wore this space monkey mask and he would often change his voice if he wanted. He was a funny squeaker. "Follow me to the third floor" He said professionally as if he was a soldier which bugged me.

We used the elevator to the third floor and I noticed that everything was in good shape. The walls looked brand new and clean and the tiled floors were just amazingly rocked, floors. "This is where we study things when needed. This is the laboratory. Moo uses this more than anyone here out together. He often creates explosives in the most perfect places and has the mind of a nerd. It's cool. Like for example, Vanoss says you have a taser on neck which is a l-" Basically hit Lui's chest and then it got quiet. "Wow how great and smart of you huh?" I asked and walked past him and looked at more of the rooms.

"The gym is downstairs on the first floor if you were wondering. We have training or an all workout day on Tuesdays at 5am to 10am. Breakfast is always served downstairs around 7am and lunch is served at 12am. Dinner is always around 7 to 8pm. "I'm Basically and this is Lui, I guess we could be at your service today. Any questions?" He asked. "Yeah maybe plenty. When can I leave and do I sleep on the floor or?" I asked and Lui chuckled and put his head in his hand.

"I like this girl. I'm sure you and Vanoss will get along just fine" Lui said and let the gun he held be put away on his waist. Basically mentally face palmed, I could see it. "Right, follow me this way" he said and we all followed him to a huge looking like, apartment? "Here is your room. It's basically a dorm-like area for you. We all have one but most of us share rooms. You can settle in here and since you're a girl.. you have your own room. There really isn't rules about sex and all-" Basically started and I cut him off. "–Ew gross stop oh my god" we all began laughing. "–and I'm sure Lui's friends might want to help you out as well. We meet downstairs in a couple of hours. Lui will be guarding and keeping an eye out." Basically said and turned to Lui. "Watch her" he whispered but I heard it. Lui nodded and spoke into his mic that connected with an earpiece he wore.

I turned around and explored the little area. It was very pretty and had a steel door that could lock from the outside and in. The windows were bulletproof as you could see and it seemed as if this place was infected with deadly viruses and had to be contaminated. These men really knew how to keep things clean and quiet. Knowing me, I just do whatever I'd like and what pleases me.

I walked towards the small window and stared down. This place wasn't crowded or in the open. It was just in a good and quiet area. I noticed the guy in a pink tank top walking to a truck, collecting crates. That made me grin for a moment. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

I opened my door and took off towards the sign that read "stairs". I heard the monkey yell "she's running!" through his earpiece but I didn't care. I loved steps or stairs. I am so used to grabbing onto the rails and swinging myself down one. It is really risky but you get used to it if you are a pro like I am. I was already to the first floor in minutes and I opened the door and noticed a group of armed men pointing their weapons at me. "Woah woah just a moment there kitten" Vanoss said through his mask. "What are the rules?" He asked. I leaned on one foot and bent over to him. "Well, let's see. A good girl would obey her crew leader. I was suppose to sit in my room and check out my surroundings and not escape." I said not so cheerfully. I am about to play fully stupid on all of these guys. The guy wearing a suit with some shades as well, giggled loudly and then Basically and Droid joins in on laughing. "Yes. Yes absolutely. Now tell me what you were doing?" Vanoss asked. "Was curious as to what he was doing" I said pointing at the tank top guy and all eyes went on him.

"Well.. Well that's Moo. He was loading the guns in the safe room. If you want to help him, you are welcomed. Just don't run off like that. There are too many gangs around that can take you out if they actually tried and aimed at that" he said walking off. I kind of stood there and everyone stood down and just kind of kept quiet. "Did you guys-Did she escape!?" Monkey masked boy opened the doors and yelled. "She's still here idiot" Moo snickered and I smiled at him. His eyes focused on me and he tried to casually breath normal but he took deep fast breaths.

"Follow me this way. Our tour isn't over. Don't run off like that again" he said and I turned my back to him and smiled. This will be just fun!

The Masks // Vulture (The Vanoss Crew)Where stories live. Discover now