Chapter 1

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Beep Beep Beep Beep, went the alarm clock beside me. I lean to my right and switch it off and to my surprise it doesn't wake Rick up. He is probably tiered though because last night he was up a lot, helping Abby when she had a nightmare and feeding and changing Nolan when he needed it. I would of helped but he said i needed sleep because we are at work today.

I have been Captain of the 12th Precinct for about 5 years and i love it. I get to go to meetings and solve crimes and i also get to help with the new recruits which is always fun. I also get to work with my lovely husband Rick because he helps around most of the time. He is even going to do his test soon and if he passes then he gets to be a proper detective instead of a consultant. I know he will pass.

I roll on to my side so that i am facing Rick, who is still sleeping. He looks so much younger and more peaceful when he sleeps.
I lay there and admire him until i hear the thumping of little feet on the floor, running towards the bedroom. Abby runs in with her long brown hair in her face and a smile on her face. She leaps up on to the bed and starts to jump up and down in an attempt to wake us up.
"Abby baby don't jump, we need Daddy to stay asleep ok" i say as i pull her on to my lap and brush her brown locks out of her face.
"Ok Mommy" she says, still slightly giggling which makes me laugh too.
"Are you ready for some breakfast baby?" I say.
"Yes Mommy yes" Abby says as she jumps off the bed and runs towards the kitchen.
I grab the baby monitor and run after her, placing the monitor on the table before going to the cupboard and taking out the cereals. I pour Abby a bowl and place it on the table before lifting her up and placing her on the stool and passing her a spoon.

After i have eaten my breakfast, a screaming sound comes from the baby monitor so i switch the TV on for Abby and then walk up to Nolan's room.
I lean over and pick him up out of his cot which causes him to giggle.
"Hey baby, are you happy now Mommy's here yeah" i say as i tickle his tummy, causing him to laugh even more.

I walk downstairs and place him in his little green high chair before taking out his baby food from the fridge. I open the can and sit on the chair next to him, placing a spoonful at a time in his mouth.

Once i have finished feeding him, i placed him in his baby bouncer, walked back into the kitchen and made Rick some eggs and coffee while keeping a close eye on them.

After i have finished the eggs, i place them on the table along side Rick's coffee and walk into our bedroom. Sitting on his side of the bed, i gently shake him but he doesn't move a muscle so i lean down and kiss his forehead. Still no response. I lean down further and give him a kiss on the lips but this also doesn't work so i walk back into the living room.
I squat down next to Abby who is sitting on the floor and ask her;
"Do you and Nolan want to wake up Daddy?"
She jumps up a scream of excitement, leaves her mouth.
"Yes Mommy, thank you" she says as she runs into our room.
"Wait for us Abby!" I shout as i remove Nolan from his bouncer and follow her in to the bedroom.
Abby climbs up on to the bed next to Rick and starts to lightly shake him while saying "Daddy wake up. Wake up Daddy".
She looks back at me and Nolan but i tell her to keep going.
She lays down next to him and gives Rick a Big Sloppy kiss which definatly wakes him up. He puts his arm round her and picks up in the air so she is flying above him which makes us all giggle. Even Nolan.
I sit down on the side of the bed and sit Nolan on my lap, bouncing him up and down which makes him giggle even more. Rick puts Abby down and she crawls over to me and gives Nolan a big kiss which makes him stop giggling.
"Ahhh, look Nolan your big sis loves you" i say which makes him look up at me so i place a kiss on the tip of his nose which makes him smile.
Rick moves next to me, watching us in awe as me and Abby play with Nolan. Eventually he leans down and kisses my head as he takes Nolan out of my arms and places him in his own. Abby sits in his lap and he puts his spare arm around her.

After having cuddles, we all walk back into the living room. I place Nolan on the floor so he can roll around and Rick places Abby on the couch and switches the TV back on while he eats his breakfast which is nearly cold but he eats it all the same.
I walk upstairs and i grab a pink floral dress with white tights for Abby to wear and a white and grey denim play suit for Nolan to wear and i give them to Rick so he can get them dressed ready for us to leave for work.
I go back upstairs and pack Abby's Frozen school bag and Nolan's nappy bag.

Once the kids are dressed, Rick and i go and get a shower and get dressed before work.

Just before we leave for work, i help Abby put on her black and white spotty puffa coat and her silver glittery ballet shoes. Meanwhile Rick is putting on Nolan's grey snowsuit.

Once we are ready, we finally leave the house and go downstairs, towards the car.
The rain is falling heavily outside and the wind is very strong so we quickly get the kids in the car and then jump in ourselves so that we can head towards the precinct.

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