Chapter 8

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We have just put the kids to bed and were settling down on the sofa when my phone started to ring.
"Sorry I have to take this" I said.
" it's fine I can wait" castle said as he made himself comfortable on the sofa.
I picked up the phone and Esposito was on the other end.
" hey Beckett you might want to come in, we have a lead" he said quickly.
" I'll be there as fast as I can" i say as i hang up.
" I need to pop into the precinct because they have an important lead" I said as I grabbed my shoes and ran towards my car.

Once i had arrived at the precinct, Esposito and Ryan quickly dragged me upstairs.
On their computer screen I saw what looked like the uses of a credit card.
"What is that?" I asked them.
"Beckett you know Bracken's secret bank account that we found when we were looking for him the first time" they said.
Yeah what has this got to do with it?" I ask.
"Bracken doesn't know we have it so he has been using it which means that we know his location" They said in unison.
"Ok well lets bring him in" I say as i quickly head out the door again.

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