« chapter 6 »

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"What has everyone found?" Hermione asks, the group sitting in a circle.
"Well, it's not our first year." Harry says.
"And it's not second year either." Luna says.
Eleanor is still fumbling with her hands, worried about something and Ron is still pale.
"I know what year it is!" The two shout, then turn and look at eachother.
"You first." Eleanor says to Ron.
"No you first."
"Fine. It's our third year. I-I saw my dad here talking to Snape." She bites her lip, looking around the circle.
"Remus is a professor?" Lily asks, her eyebrows raised.
"Only in our third year." Hermione replies.
"I saw the dementors!" Ron blurts out. Harry turns as pale as Ron, remembering his boggart. "Dementors? That's what those were! Why would they be at Hogwarts?" Lily asks.
"I think we owe you an explanation." Harry says.
Before they could say anything, an owl flies through the door, dropping a letter. "It's Dumbledore. He wants us up at his office now."
"I guess the explanation will come later."
"You called for us, sir?" Remus says as they enter the familiar office.
"Yes, yes. Please, take a seat we have much to discuss." He conjures up chairs for each of them as professor McGonagal walks in.
"You sent me a-" she turns to look at the time travelers, her mouth hanging open.
"Minerva, it seems we have some time travelers on our hands. I shall explain."
The professor just nods, keeping her eyes trained on the familiar faces. They stay a little longer on Sirius, who looks down under her gaze, suddenly not feeling very talkative.
"This is Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Lily Evans, James Potter, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Eleanor Lupin, Ronald Weasley, Jamie Potter, Luna Potter, and Albus Potter."
His eyes shine at the mention of albus' name, being named after himself.
"I am keeping them in the RoR as of now. Since school starts tomorrow, I was thinking we can enroll them under different names and appearances, so at least they have something to do while I fix this mess."
"But sir, a killer is on the loose, you can't possibly-"
"now now Minerva, they are from the future, they must know what happens to the supposed killer."
"Very well." She sighs.
"Now, I will leave the explaining up to you after we get this situated. Minerva, could you please perform the charm to make this lot look like third years?" His eyes twinkle, deciding to make them third years for very special reasons. McGonagal nods, waving her wand and changing their heights, hair, and eyes.
"Woah." Jamie says, looking around at the group.
"You still look great Lils, with or without your green eyes." James takes her hand, causing Lily to blush. Sirius wolf whistles, causing some to laugh.
"Now, I will need new names. I think I'll make Eleanor, Luna, and Sirius siblings and Lily and Remus siblings." Dumbledore says after the commotion is over.
"Okay. Then I'll be Carter." Remus says.
"I'll be Rose. Our last name could be Lance."
Eleanor is now Rachel Grove, Sirius is Ethan Grove, and Luna is Eliza Grove. Hermione is Mary Bruit, Harry is Mark Parker, Ron is Liam Johnson, Albus and Jamie had decided to also be siblings, Ralph and John Greene, and James is Koby Grant.
"Everything you need will be in your dorms, you will now be staying in the Gryffindor common room, since you all were Gryffindors." Dumbledore smirks, his eyes scanning the lot.
"Thank you, professor." Eleanor smiles.
"Indeed. Now I suggest you all stay in the RoR for now, then go to the feast tomorrow night."

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