« chapter 16 »

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"I'll see you soon, okay?" Eleanor releases her hand from Harry's, turning to face him.
"Okay, I think I'll go and give myself some advice." Harry grins back, planting his lips on hers. He wraps his hands around her waist slowly as she places her arms around his shoulders.
"Mum? Dad?" The voice makes the two jump apart, facing the owner.
"Jamie, uh, what exactly did you see?" Harry asks, biting his lip.
"Enough." The boy smirks, turning on his heel and dashing away.
"I'll get him." Eleanor chases after her son, following him all the way to the entrance of the quidditch pitch.
"Get back here!" She shouts, crashing into his back as he comes to a stop next to the rest of the lot. "Guys guys!!!" Jamie hops up and down like a child, getting the time travelers attention.
"What is it now Jamie?" Luna asks, her red rain coat on and ready for the weather.
"Mum and dad, they're dating!"
Eleanor slaps Jamie upside the head, grunting.
"Is it true?!" Lily smiles, even bigger than Jamie's.
"Yes." Eleanor mumbles.
"Aw that's adorable!" She brings Eleanor into a hug, to which she awkwardly hugs back.
Remus gives her a look that says, we will talk later, to which she gulps at. Typical dad.
"We better get out and get good seats!" Sirius and Ron tug at the group, pulling them all over to Gryffindors side.
"I can't believe they're letting quidditch go on in this mess!" Remus exclaims.
"They hardly ever cancel a match." Albus replies, sitting next to James and Luna.
The game starts, brooms fly in the air as the lot has trouble keeping their eyes on Younger Harry as he fights through the rain.
"The glasses aren't a help, either." Hermione says, shaking her head as she watches her younger self fix them for Harry.
"Here we go." Harry says, leaning closer to the railing, waiting for himself to fall off the broom. James gasps as the skies get darker and Harry isn't seen anymore. There's murmurs of wonder, where is the Gryffindor seeker? Their question is answered as young Harry tumbles down at top speed, about to crash on the ground.
"No!" Lily shouts, grabbing onto James and burying her head in his shoulder.
The headmaster stands up, using his wand to slow Harry's fall then angrily stepping onto the field. "Is it over?" Lily asks.
The group looks to the spot where Harry is on the ground, unconscious.
"It's over."
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"Don't crowd him!" Madam Pomfrey shouts at the large group that's formed over Harry's bed. It included his quidditch team, younger Ron, Hermione, and Eleanor, and the time travelers. Fred waves her off, keeping focus on Harry, who's slowly waking up.
"Harry! How do you feel?" Younger Hermione asks.
"Brilliant." He replies sarcastically, earning a snort from Sirius.
"You nearly fell 400 feet! If Dumbledore wasn't there you would've been a goner." Younger Ron says.
"Ron!" Younger Eleanor exclaims.
"Hey, he isn't wrong." Older Ron backs himself up.
"Oh not you now too Liam." Ron almost forgot she was talking to him, forgetting his fake name. "What happened to the match? Did we win?" Harry asks.
"Well, uh, Cedric caught the snitch before he knew that you fell off." George Weasley explains. "Yeah, when he noticed you were unconscious, he wanted a rematch. Wood didn't accept it though, said they won fair and square." Fred Weasley follows.
"My broom! Where's my broom!?" Harry asks frantically.
"We better go..." Fred and George take the rest of the team and slowly walk out, leaving Harry with his friends.
"Well, we couldn't really do anything about it." Younger Eleanor bites her lip, nudging Ron with her elbow.
He pulls out a blanket, inside is the few bits and pieces left of the nimbus 2000.
"It flew into the whomping willow."
Harry gasps, as does James and Sirius.
"That's horrible!"  "Poor broom!" The two boys shriek.
Harry sighs, "Great."

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