« chapter 7 »

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"You owe us an explanation. Now." James demands the rest as they get back into the RoR.
"Where do we start?" Eleanor bites her lip, she was dreading this.
"The beginning is always a good place." Lily replies.
"I'll start." Harry decides, Eleanor slipping her hand in his, giving it a tight squeeze.
"It all started when I was a year old. A prophecy was made, it was about me, I don't remember exactly but it made you go into hiding from Voldemort. You two made Sirius your secret keeper, but then changed it because it may have been to obvious so you made Pettigrew it."
Harry spats the name out like its the most horrible thing he said. They notice, but don't want to interrupt,
"Voldemort found you two in the end, killing you both. He tried to kill me too, but the curse rebounded and made him vanish. Everyone said I was a savior and I was only a year old. Sirius was mad at Pettigrew for giving the secret up to Voldemort, and went looking for him. He then went to azkaban for killing twelve muggles and Pettigrew himself. I was sent to my aunt and uncles to live there."
"Why didn't Remus take you in?! And you went with Tuni?!" Lily shrieks.
"He begged Dumbledore to take me, since he also had Ellie, but he wouldn't let him. Yes, I stood with the Dursleys most of my life. They didn't exactly treat me well though."
"That's an understatement dad, didn't they lock you in the cupboard under the stairs and made you cook and clean?" Albus asks.
Lily shrieks again, while Sirius pales, "I killed Peter and muggles. So let me guess? I'm the escapee from azkaban?"
"You'll see." Eleanor replies, motioning for Harry to go on.
"I met Hermione and Ron on the train in my first year, while I met Ellie under very different circumstances."
Harry's face turns a deep red, while Eleanor bursts out laughing.
"How did you meet?" Remus asks.
"She, Uhm, she turned over our boat going to the castle."
Remus widens his eyes at his daughter, who just shrugs, "I wanted to see what happened."
"She didn't even get detention! She convinced professor McGonagal it was the boats fault! Bloody brilliant!" Ron exclaims.
The group laughs, "In my first year, we saved the sorcerers stone from a teacher that had Voldemort on the back of his head, second year the chamber of secrets opened, I killed a basilisk and got rid of the younger version of Voldemort. Third year, which is now, Sirius you escape azkaban in your animagus form and Remus you're the DADA professor. In the end, we find out that you don't want to kill me and Eleanor, and that Pettigrew was the one who framed you and ran off disguised as Rons rat. Pettigrew does end up getting away but so do you Sirius, you escape on Hagrids hippogroff and stay at Grimmuald place. Fourth year my name is entered in a death tournament by Barty Crouch Jr pretending to be Professor Moody. Voldemort comes back, killing a student during the final task. Fifth year, the ministry sends someone from the ministry to teach DADA. She's a witch, honestly, and Hermione and I form a secret club to defend ourselves. Voldemort can see into my mind and tricked me into thinking Sirius was being tortured at the ministry. We all go there, and the order shows up, which consisted of you two and some others." Harry chokes up at the end, asking Eleanor to finish the rest of the years.
"Well, Sirius, you wind up dying. Bellatrix pushes you back into the veil, never to be seen again." Eleanor bites her lip, looking for any sign of sadness. The four just look at each other, tears in their eyes but not crying.
"Does she die?" Sirius asks.
"Yes, my mum kills her." Ron replies.
"Good. Go on."
Eleanor takes a breath, "Sixth year, Draco lets in death eaters through the vanishing cabinet in the school. Snape kills Dumbledore, but under his orders. That's when the war starts for real, Harry, Hermione, Ron, and I go looking for horcruxes, parts of Voldemorts soul, to destroy them. We become the most wanted in the ministry, since the death eaters have taken over that, too. Meanwhile, a bit before that, dad, you and Tonks get married. Little Teddy Lupin is born just before the war, and when we get back the battle of Hogwarts commences. We lose many people, but in the end, we win."
Sirius then asks the dreaded question of the night,
"Who dies?"
The seven time travelers look at each other, not wanting to say it to the other four.
"Well?" James asks.
"They obviously don't want to say." Lily scolds them.
"My brother, Fred, dies." Ron starts.
"So does my owl, Hedwig." Harry continues.
"Mad eye Moody and Snape." Hermione says.
The three look at Eleanor, "and so does Tonks and my d-dad." Her voice cracks, pushing back the tears.
"Oh." is all Sirius says, noticing the discomforting looks on each of their faces.

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