« chapter 20 »

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"Professor Lupin wait!" Eleanor chases the man down the corridors before lunch the next day. "What do you need?" He asks, turning on his heel to face his student.
"Please, please remember what I told you. You have to listen, to make things right."
For a moment, Remus wrinkles his eyebrows as if he's thinking hard about something, then he sighs. "Oh yes, of course I will! Have a safe travel home, Ellie."
He winks, then turns back around and sets off on his path before. Eleanor bites her lip, praying to Merlin that he remembers as she walks off her own way to Dumbledores office.
o o o
"Professor Snape!" Lily dashes down the dungeons and into the potion masters classroom, where he sits quietly in the dark grading papers.
His neck snaps up at the sound of her voice, "What is it?"
Lily sighs, running a hand through her hair as she sits down across from him.
"Aren't you leaving, Miss Lance?"
"You know who I am, Sev." Lily swings her legs inches above the ground as she watches him. Snape goes back to his work, ignoring his old friend before him.
"You know, everyone hates you."
"You don't care? You're supposedly the worst professor here!"
"So I've been told."
Lily sighs, this man is impossible! "I just came to say that you shouldn't dwell on the past, move on Sev. And Harry and Eleanor are great kids if you gave them the time of day. So are Hermione and Ron. It's not nice to bully children, you should know better."
Snape's expression softens, "Here you go, always have something to lecture me on."
Lily stands up, getting quite annoyed and goes to the door to leave. She stops in her tracks, turning on her heel.
Snape looks up one last time to watch her say, "Goodbye I suppose, some people never change."
o o o "Are you all ready?" The headmaster holds three time turners in his hands, a familiar twinkle in his eyes as he looks at the lot.
"Could you give us a moment to say goodbye?" Harry asks, his hand grasping onto Eleanor's. They all turned back from the appearance charm, their regular selves again as they stand in the office one last time.
"Of course." Dumbledore leaves the room, shutting the door behind him.
Tears form in everyone's eyes, Harry is the first to move and hug his parents.
"I wish this didn't have to be our last goodbye." James says, squeezing his son tightly.
Ron takes Hermiones hand, even though none of them are his family he will still miss them dearly and all the good times they had here.
"If things don't go as planned, don't stress Ells. Go on for me, and for Teddy." Remus hugs Eleanor, tears falling down his cheeks.
"Remember to have us, mum, dad." Albus winks at his parents.
They laugh, joining together for one last group hug.
"Love you guys." Luna smiles.
Just then, Dumbledore walks back in, a sad smile on his face.
"All set?"
The time travelers nod, "Thanks again for all your help, sir." Hermione says.
Dumbledore just nods, handing each group the time turner. Lily takes it for her group, Hermione takes it for hers, and Albus takes the last one for his siblings.
Turning it the right amount of times, just before the last tick they all face the wand and hear, "Obliviate."

A/N: it isn't over quite yet! One more chapter to go, thank you for all the support so far! Xx

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