Chat Room 1

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Sam, Dean, Gabriel, and Raphael entered the chat room.

Dean: oh great the archangels are here.

Sam: I'm not even gonna ask.

Gabriel: heeeyyyy Sammy poo.

Sam: go away, you made me do a genital herpes commercial. Not to mention you killed my brother a thousand times.

Raphael: should have thought of that. Fauq.

Castiel entered the chat room.

Castiel: what're we talking about?

Raphael: why hello there, Castiel. I will find you, and I will kill you.

Castiel: um, dhinfihcuhwuchrvheuhie. HEEEELLLLPPPPP.

Raphael: OK I'm satisfied.

Michael and Lucifer have entered the chatroom.

Michael: Lucifer was grinding against this girl, and-


Michael: And it was our cousin.

Lucifer: DAMMIT!!!

Michael: ;)

Dean: bwaaahahahahaaaa.

Sam: LOL, M.O.G!

Gabriel: wow, just wow. UP TOP! Wait, which one?

Lucifer: Macy.

Gabriel: Damn.

God has entered the chat room.

Michael: . . .

Lucifer:. . .

Gabriel: . . .

Sam:. . .

Dean: . . .

Raphael: . . .

God: Um, uh, heh heh. Yeah. . . .

Dean: Where the hell were you? Cas has been looking all over.

Sam: may I speak for the archangels? Your children. Um, why the hell did you leave?

God: I have been hiding as the prophet, Chuck.

Michael: wut. You piece a-

Raphael: (deleted content)

God: sorry.

Gabriel: Sorry doesn't cut it. And as the humans say, you pompous deadbeat ass hat motherfucker.

Lucifer: Haha. I will give them that one. Clever.

Sam: Damn.

Michael: . . . . . .

God: Michael. . .

Michael has left the chat room.

God: *sigh*

Dean: I really don't like you. . .  but that shits heartbreaking.

Y/N has entered the chat room.

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