Sam, Dean, Gabriel, and Raphael entered the chat room.
Dean: oh great the archangels are here.
Sam: I'm not even gonna ask.
Gabriel: heeeyyyy Sammy poo.
Sam: go away, you made me do a genital herpes commercial. Not to mention you killed my brother a thousand times.
Raphael: should have thought of that. Fauq.
Castiel entered the chat room.
Castiel: what're we talking about?
Raphael: why hello there, Castiel. I will find you, and I will kill you.
Castiel: um, dhinfihcuhwuchrvheuhie. HEEEELLLLPPPPP.
Raphael: OK I'm satisfied.
Michael and Lucifer have entered the chatroom.
Michael: Lucifer was grinding against this girl, and-
Michael: And it was our cousin.
Lucifer: DAMMIT!!!
Michael: ;)
Dean: bwaaahahahahaaaa.
Sam: LOL, M.O.G!
Gabriel: wow, just wow. UP TOP! Wait, which one?
Lucifer: Macy.
Gabriel: Damn.
God has entered the chat room.
Michael: . . .
Lucifer:. . .
Gabriel: . . .
Sam:. . .
Dean: . . .
Raphael: . . .
God: Um, uh, heh heh. Yeah. . . .
Dean: Where the hell were you? Cas has been looking all over.
Sam: may I speak for the archangels? Your children. Um, why the hell did you leave?
God: I have been hiding as the prophet, Chuck.
Michael: wut. You piece a-
Raphael: (deleted content)
God: sorry.
Gabriel: Sorry doesn't cut it. And as the humans say, you pompous deadbeat ass hat motherfucker.
Lucifer: Haha. I will give them that one. Clever.
Sam: Damn.
Michael: . . . . . .
God: Michael. . .
Michael has left the chat room.
God: *sigh*
Dean: I really don't like you. . . but that shits heartbreaking.
Y/N has entered the chat room.
Supernatural chat rooms 1.
Fanficprobably spoilers, I'll probably feature all the characters in the first chat room. I'll do demons angels and the other characters featured on supernatural. Mature for language.