Once a Dad, Always a Dad

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Emma and Killian got dressed properly(meaning Killian fixed his shirt) and went outside.

"Is your father going to choke me? I'm a bit terrified of him right now. And we just got on good terms!" Killian started to freak out,

"Killian, I'm sure you'll be fine. I'll protect you if I have to. I promise," she kissed his cheek and walked outside. "We're going in my car so don't worry about us David!" Emma called.

"No, Killian can come with me if he wants! I'm sure we'll have so much fun," Killian practically dove into Emma's car after hearing David.

"Nope, it's fine! He'll come with me! I have to go grab some gas so we'll be there in 10 minutes!" Emma said. David hopped in his car and drove away. Emma got in her car and drove away.

When they arrived at the gas station, Emma jumped out and filled up the car. The bushes rustled. Emma looked over her shoulder. Nothing was there. Then she felt like someone was watching her. So she quickly finished up and and jumped back into the car.

As Emma was driving, Killian noticed something different about Emma.

"Love are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine," Emma replied, without making eye contact.

"Are you sure?"

"I just felt like someone was watching me. It's probably my imagination. I'm probably just a little freaked out after what's happened over the last few months. That's all," Emma tried to reassure herself but it didn't seem to be working.

They pulled up to granny's and went inside. They spotted everyone and went to sit down.

Emma and Killian made eye contact with David and started to grow red in the cheeks. David hid behind his menu.

"What's wrong guys? Are you alright? It's like someone just walked in on you naked or something!" She laughed. David, Emma, and Killian laughed along awkwardly.

A waitress came over and asked what they would like.

Emma ordered some pancakes, and hot chocolate with cinnamon. Killian had the same. There was an extremely long silence until Mr. Hyde barged in with gold right by his side.

"Crocodile," Killian muttered under his breath. Emma gripped Killian's arm.

"I'll take some waffles, toast and a lemonade," Mr. Hyde said.

"We don't serve villains," granny spat back.

"Well I own this town and I can have your diner knocked down. We wouldn't want that would we?"

"One order of waffles, toast and a lemonade," granny said dryly,
"I'll be over here," gold said,

He walked over to the group of heroes. He stared at Emma.

"What do you want," Killian asked angrily,

"Just one tiny little thing from you pirate, I want your little pirate," he said. Killian gripped his sword. He stared him down,

"What do you mean 'little pirate'?" He said through clenched teeth,

"This one right here," he reached out and touched Emma's stomach. Killian chopped his hand off,

"Don't ever touch her again!" Killian yelled,
"A bit protective aren't we,"

"Now tell me what you mean by little pirate!" Killian was getting angrier by the second,

"My goodness pirate, it's the child your woman will bare in 9 months. I need it to save belle and my child," he said,

"Well you're not going to have my child!"

"Goodbye captain," and he and Mr. Hyde left granny's. Killian turned to face Emma. She was silently crying.

"Love, I'm so sorry. I promise I will not let anyone..." Emma interrupted Killian,

"We're having a baby"

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