I'm Sorry

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"It's going to be ok love. Everything's fine," paramedics rushed around him, checking her pulse and trying to figure out what was wrong. Killian sat there, feeling useless and on the verge of tears. One normal day. He thought. It's our bloody wedding day for goodness sakes. Can't we get some peace and quiet for once? He thought. He looked down at Emma and his heart ached. Seeing his wife unconscious. Knowing how it could harm their unborn children.

They finally arrived at the hospital and Killian was forced out of her room. His hand shook at the mere thought of Emma dying. He clenched his hand into a fist, trying to stop the shakiness but his hand continued shaking.

He suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned his head around to find David standing there tears streaming down his face. Killian touched his own face to find it damp with tears. He hadn't even realized her was crying.

"I can't let anything happen to her. She's my only princess," David said.

"She's Emma. She'll make it through whatever is happening right?" Killian said unsure of it himself. Emma really had no control over it. David swiped his free hand across his face and looked forward at nothing.

"So uh- did they figure out what was wrong?" He could feel the shakiness in his voice.

"No, but I have a feeling the crocodile has something to do with this," Killian said. David turned around. When Killian didn't follow he turned his head.

"You coming?" David asked.

"Where?" Killian asked.

"Gold's shop. You know to ask some questions," David said.

"I don't think that's a good idea," Killian said. David had a confused look on his face. "Not without Regina,"

They all met up at gold's shop and Regina pushed the door open.

"Didn't expect any of you to show up," gold said with his back turned as he looked down at a book.

"Yeah, well we're here. What did you do to the town's people?" She asked.

"Nothing much really. Since you don't accept me... I'm going to destroy you all, one by one," he said darkly. Regina glared at him.

"Tell us what you did," Regina commanded.

"I added a curse that mainly will affect the pregnant women but will still affect anyone who drank the potion. It just makes you feel sickly for a while. But this is not the worst of it. Now get out," he demanded. Regina scoffed as he pushed them out the door and then locked it.

"If this isn't the worst, what else is he going to do?" Killian asked.

"I don't know, but right now let's get back to the hospital," David said. They arrived back at the hospital and a nurse rushed to them.

"Mr. Nolan, your wife is awake, you can come see her," she smiled.

"Is Emma ok?" Killian asked.

"Um, no she's still unconscious but she should be awake soon," she replied sadly.

"Can I- can I see her?" He asked quietly.

"Yes. Of course," the nurse gave directions to both rooms. Killian and David walked down the hall until they went their separate ways.

Killian opened the door and peaked in.

Emma laid their with her eyes closed and her hands at her sides and she still had her makeup on from the wedding. Killian slowly walked towards her. He was still in his tux  but he didn't care. Killian took Emma's small hand in his large one and held it tightly.

"Emma. Please wake up soon. Wake up for the baby. For your parents. For Henry. Wake up for me," he studied her face carefully. It was so calm and peaceful. Not sacred or worried or frustrated. "But it's ok I can wait," he continued as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Emma, I'm sorry. I'm sorry it took so long for me to propose. For us to get married. And especially for anything stupid I've ever said," he chuckled slightly at his own words. "I'm sorry for saying all those horrible things to you when we were dark ones," his voice cracked as he thought of that horrible moment. He regained his composure as he continued. "I'm sorry that I keep dying. I'm sorry for everytime I've lied to you or kept secrets. I'm sorry that I'm not good enough for you and that I've killed so many innocent lives. I'm sorry," he began crying at this pont. The tears streamed down his face freely. "I love you so much,"

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