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"What?" Emma asked lifting her head from his.

"We've been engaged for months now and I'm tired of waiting! I'm tired of villains coming in and messing up our plans!" He looked at Emma who had wide eyes. "I mean  unless you'd rather just wait until like-"

Emma crashed her lips on his. He kissed her back. It was a kiss full of love and hope.

Hope that their babies were really there.

Hope that this marriage would work out.

Hope for some peace and quiet.

Hope for everything to just work out for once!

They pulled away breathing hard and looked into each other's eyes again.

"I'll take that as a yes!" He said laughing. "I'll call your mother," he said.

"What about my dad and Henry and Regina and granny and Archie, of course. He's marrying us right? And well you just can't have a wedding without dwarves! So those loud and annoying dwarves. And whoever is left of your crew and Ashley and..." Killian placed a finger to her lips.

"Hush darling. I'm on the phone," he pulled his finger away as the phone continued to ring.

"Killian?" Asked Snow.

"Yes love, its me. Emma and I are getting married," Killian answered.

He heard a small chuckle over the phone. "Yeah Killian, you told us a few months ago,"

"No we're getting married right now,"

All he could hear were voices in the background.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Ok so like right now as in like an hour or something like that? Like you want to be married on December 25, 2016," she questioned.

"Yes," he replied. Mary Margaret squealed.

"Finally! It's been like forever since you proposed! Ok I've got all the decorations for the aisle and the reception and I'll call Archie and tell him to get ready! Oh and I've got the dress in my-" she continued on as Killian said to Emma,

"See love, your mother will take care of everything. Everyone in Storybrooke will know about this within an hour. Probably even less," he chuckled.

"Ok you know what, I'll get everything set up. Have Emma over here in 10 minutes. Bye!" She said.

Emma shook her head.

"Ok then, let's get in the car," they left the hospital and shortly arrived at the Charming apartment.

Knock knock.

Snow opened the door and squealed with excitement. Behind the door was Regina, Ashley and David who passed Emma and dragged Killian down the stairs.

"Bye Killian!" Emma called out.

Snow pulled Emma in and pushed her into a chair.

In 1 hour, Emma had her makeup and hair done. All that was left was the dress.

She slipped into the dress and walked over to a mirror.

"Look how far we got," Emma said.

"Yeah, I'm so happy for you Emma," Snow said.

"Well not just me. I mean, Ashley, you got your happy ending with your husband and baby," Ashley smiled and nodded. "Regina got her happy ending with Robin," she continued. "And mom, you and dad found each other, and now you get another chance with Neal,"

"Yes, but we don't love you any less than Neal. Just so you know," Snow said.

"Yeah, but now she gets to marry her true love and be happy forever," Regina said in a fake dreamy voice. Snow smacked her arm and made a stop-being-annoying face at her.

"What Regina means to say is, we're happy for you," Snow said glaring at Regina.

Regina shrugged. "What? Someone has to be sarcastic!" She replied.

After the finishing touches were done, as if on cue charming called.

"We're ready for the beautiful bride!" He said.

"Do you have the decorations set up, just as I told you?" She asked.

"Exactly like you wanted them!" He said cheerfully.

"Ok we'll see you in 15 minutes!" Snow said.

"Yup see you in 15!" He replied as he hung up the phone.

"Ok who's ready for this wedding?" She asked excitedly. As they started walking out of the apartment.

"Oh wait I almost forgot! Regina," she said as she pulled Regina aside. "Would you do me the pleasure of being the maid of honor?" She asked.

Regina smiled softly, "I thought you'd never ask," she said as they embraced in a friendly hug. "And Emma," she said.

"Hmm?" She asked.

"I really am happy for you,"

"Thanks Regina. Without you, I wouldn't even be here. So thank you," Emma said. Regina nodded as they continued down the staircase.


They arrived at the docks and looked around. It was beautiful. Their was white all over the place and as Emma looked over on the Jolly Roger, she caught a glimpse of her husband to be.

Snow lead everyone to the Jolly Roger and David cued some quiet music.

On the Jolly, there were rows of chairs set up and a long white carpet as the aisle.

The bridesmaids and groomsmen lined up side by side and began walking down the aisle.

Regina and Robin, then Snow(who walked by herself), and Ashley and her Thomas.

Then the flower girl, Alexandra and the ring bearer, Roland.

Then the music changed and all the people in the rows of chairs stood up and turned as the bride came into their view.

Emma looped her arms threw Davids arm and he pulled her along as she found walking extremely difficult.

She looked down the aisle to see her handsome pirate, dressed in a tuxedo with his hair combed and of course had eyeliner on.

Killian looked down the aisle to see the beautiful Savior with an amazing white dress on, and her bump just barely visible.

They both locked eyes and smiled.

David and Emma finally reached the end of the long aisle and David reluctantly handed Emma's hand to Killian.

"Please take good care of her," he whispered. He kissed her cheek and sat down next to Snow and smiled. Of course Snow was already crying.

Killian placed a kiss on her hand.

And the ceremony began.

Hello my dearies!! So in one of the next chapters I will be using 2 baby names from the comments! Please DO NOT be offended if I don't use any of your names! I love yall the same but I can't make poor Emma have like 20 kids! But maybe I'll make her have more kids in the future...😉👌

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