You're my Happy Ending

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"Bloody hell," Killian muttered.

"Henry! Dad!" Emma yelled. David and Henry fell in the water. "NO!" Emma screamed. They sailed in quickly after David jumped up back onto the docks. Killian dove in and brought Henry to the surface, Emma jumped out and pulled Henry up. Emma quickly did mouth to mouth and he began choking up water. He gasped for breath. He looked up and jumped on Emma who was hovering over him. He wrapped his hands tightly around her throat. Killian quickly ripped him off and held him down to the ground.

"Run Emma! Go to our house and lock the doors!" Killian yelled Henry growled. Emma hesitated.

"I love you!" She turned and ran as fast as she could.

"I'm sorry Henry, I love you," Killian closed his eyes and knocked Henry out with a punch. Killian winced as if feeling Henry's pain. "I'll make it up to you!" He called over his shoulder as he bolted for Emma. He quickly caught up to her as she could barely run with her stomach. She was completely out of breath.

"Killian!" Emma gasped. "How did you-"

"That's a story for another time, come on we're almost there!" He interrupted. They continued running until David popped out of no where and growled. Killian pushed Emma behind him. David leapt at Killian. Killian's fist collided with his stomach and he stumbled back. "Sorry mate," he shook off his fist and took Emma's hand. They continued running and reached their porch. Killian aided Emma up the stairs and swiftly opened the door. They jumped inside and locked it. Killian rushed to the other doors and locked them.

Emma fell back onto the couch and held her spinning head. "What the hell happened?" She asked.

"I don't have a bloody clue," he said running a hand through his hair.

"I'm calling Regina," Emma said as she pulled out her phone. It rang. Eventually someone answered it.

"Emma?" Regina's voice was shaky.

"Regina, are you alright?" Emma asked.

"I don't know. Have you seen Henry?" She asked. Emma looked at Killian.

"No," she lied. She didn't know what happened to Henry and she didn't want to know. Regina sensed the hesitation in her voice.

"You're lying!" She raged. Her voice suddenly became deeper.

"No I'm not!" Emma said nervously.

"I'm going to find you and your pirate and-" Emma hung the phone up quickly. She went white as a sheet.

"Emma?" Killian asked.

"I'm fine," she replied quickly. "I'll call my mom," the phone rang but almost immediately was answered.

"Who is this?!" The same deep voice that Regina had rang through the phone. She hung up the phone once again very fast. Emma's eyes filled with tears.

"I'm calling Belle," she said with conviction and blinked away her tears. Killian sat down next to her and rubbed her back. Once again and after a few seconds she answered.

"Belle?" Emma squeaked.

"Emma!" A cheery voice rang through the phone. A sigh of relief escaped Emma's mouth.

"Oh thank God you're alright!" Emma exclaimed.

"Of course I'm alright," Belle said with slight confusion in her voice.

"Please tell me what is going on with the town,"Emma begged. Killian smiled and fell back into the couch with relief. It was silent for a while. "Belle?"

"Emma what are you talking about?" Belle asked now completely confused.

"The town and how everyone is acting on their periods," Emma laughed but it was a slightly nervous laugh. Belle laughed along with her.

"You're funny Emma, you know I'm away," Belle said.

"What?" Emma asked in disbelief.

"Yeah me, rumple and Gideon are in the Bahamas, you didn't know?" Emma dropped the phone. You could still hear Belle calling out to Emma. "Emma are you alright? Emma? Emma?" Killian picked up the phone.

"Tell your husband he better get back here and fix this damned curse!" He yelled.

"Curse? There's another curse?" Belle asked.

"Yes it makes everyone angry at random moments!" Suddenly there was banging at the door. They both jumped to see the towns people banging on windows and doors. "Hurry they're attaching our house and soon it'll be us!" They heard yelling in the background. A window broke and Killian covered Emma to protect her from the shards of glass. Someone unfamiliar charged at them with rage and Emma punched them. People climbed through the window and Emma and Killian ran upstairs. They began following the upstairs. Some had guns and others had pitchforks. They heard footsteps coming up the creaky stairs and they hid in the closet. Emma was shaking lightly and Killian held her hands. He kissed each palm. They heard things being ripped from shelves and cabinets and the footsteps carefully grew closer. But they still heard Belle over the phone. And just in the nick of time.

"We're coming," the closet door opened slowly and suddenly, a gust of wind blasted past them. The door stopped opening and Killian peaked over. He got off the ground and pulled Emma up with him. They made their way out the door with people looking around, confused. Emma spotted Henry, and he had a huge lump on his head.

"Henry!" Emma gasped. He turned his head and ran into her arms. "You ok kid?" She chuckled.

"I have a headache," he said. His clothes were still damp from being in the sea. He looked behind Emma, spotting Killian. "Dad!" He called. Killian looked up. Henry ran over and wrapped his arms around Killian. He returned the gesture. Emma turned to face them and tears filled her eyes. She covered her mouth to stifle a cry. A tear slipped out and Killian pulled Emma into the hug.

"Damn hormones," Emma muttered with a smile. They both kissed her cheek. "I love you guys," Emma said. She kissed Henry's forehead and Killian's lips.

"We love you too," Henry said.

"Aye, and we love the little Swans," he bent down and kissed her stomach. Emma laughed and Henry did the same.

"I don't know how I got so lucky," Emma said. And she really didn't have a clue. But she was happy. This was her happy ending. "You're my happy ending,"

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