The Alleyway

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Emma woke up on the cold ground of the alleyway. She slowly got up and her head started spinning. She had a pounding headache.

She looked around not knowing where she was. Emma pulled out her phone, and looked tried turning it on. It was dead. 'Killian must be worried sick.' Emma thought.

She attempted to get up but found that her leg hurt too. She had to get up. Even though the pain was unbearable she continued to lift herself up. She couldn't even fix her leg with magic due to the pregnancy which was making her magic unpredictable.

"Help!" She yelled. But she even found it hard to yell with her burning dry throat. She crawled out of the alleyway, and looked down the sidewalk but nobody was there. "Please!" She began to cry. "Anyone?" She sobbed. She heard people in the distance but definitely to far and to loud to hear her. "Killian!" Nobody.

She began crawling home and continued to call out. Finally a door opened to a shop she hadn't even ever been to. "Over here! Please!" She called. The person began walking towards her. When the face came into the light she regretted her decision of calling out to the person.

"Miss. Swan. I see you need some assistance," he said.

"Mr. Hyde," she muttered. He sauntered over to her. She quickly got up to her feet wincing in pain. She ran as quickly as she could although the limping slowed her down. She could feel Hyde following her. "HELP!" She screamed.

Then she heard voices. She heard them calling her name. "Someone please!" They got closer. Then they were running toward her. "Killian?" She whispered "Killian!" She yelled. He ran right up to her and embraced her.

David, Mary Margaret, Regina, and Henry came up behind him. She smiled.

"Take her to the hospital. Quickly!" David said to his wife. Killian picked Emma up in his arms and ran her to the truck. He placed her in the back seat and sat next to her, while Mary Margaret got in the front and started the car. They all drove away and Emma grabbed tightly onto Killian.

"Emma what did he do?" He said touching her leg. He lowered his voice to a whispered "Did he touch you?" Emma shook her head and pointed to her throat.

"Water," she croaked. Mary Margaret reached into her bag and pulled out a bottle of water.

"Here," she handed it to Killian. Killian took it, opened it and gave it to Emma. Her hands were shaking so Killian slowly poured it into her mouth. She drank the entire bottle. She rested her head on Killian's shoulder and said.

"I don't even know what happened. I remember walking home and then everything was black. Then I woke up in the alleyway and my phone was dead, I think my leg and possibly my arm were broken and I just tried calling out for help. He came out from a shop and I tried running. You came at the perfect time. I don't know how I got in the alleyway or how I broke my leg and arm. That's everything I remember," Emma looked up at Killian who looked at her with worried eyes. "Killian?" She asked,

"Yes love?" He answered

"Do you think... Do you think the baby is ok?" She asked worry completely filled her voice.

"I sure hope so love,"

So today was the season 6 premier of once upon a time!!!! I'm not going to change anything or give any spoilers of season 6. I promise!😄😄😄

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