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"Okay yeah! No yeah I know. Okay I've gotta go! I'm gonna miss my train! Okay yeah, yes I know BYE!" I hung up my phone and sighed. Bones doesn't think I can do anything myself. I ran through the subway and Boom! "Watch where you're going!" I yelled at whoever it was that slammed into me.

"I was looking directly ahead of the path I had chosen to walk in, it is you who should watch where you are going." Came the reply. Great another self righteous Vulcan. They all think they're so much better than us because they have no sense of humor.

"Well maybe you should look a little harder next time." I grumbled in the general direction that I heard the voice coming from. I rolled my eyes before beginning to walk again. Then boom! I hit him again. This time I kept my hands on him. "Is this some kind of joke?" I asked holding the invisible Guy's arm.

"It seems that you are the one 'playing a joke' on me." The invisible man spoke in annoyance.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, I've got a train to catch." I said walking forward again. Then guess what happened. I SLAMMED INTO HIM AGAIN! "Listen here asshole! If you think you can just play your invisible man tricks on me and have me be late to see my family you're sorely mistaken." I said angrily staring in the general direction of the last time I heard the voice.

"I am not playing any tricks and you are the one who is invisible, not me." He replied just as calm as before.

"Hey mustache!" I yelled to a stranger with a mustache. "You can see me right?" He nodded in response.

"You tryin to ask me if I'm blind, blondie?" Mustache replied. I waved him off.

"Can you see me as well?" The invisible asshole asked.

"Yeah, nice hair cut." Mustache said with a laugh. "You two are gonna have one hell of a marriage." Mustache laughed.

"One hell of a what now?" I asked gob smacked.

"Well y'know. If two people can't see each other and everyone else can see em, they're soulmates." Mustache said as if it were obvious.

"So invisible asshat is my soulmate?" I asked squinting at Mustache. "And I'll never get to see him?" I asked running my fingers through my hair.

"I think after a couple days together it wears off." The guy said with a shrug.

"Well I have train to catch." I sighed are you busy?" I asked in the general direction of my soulmate.

"I suppose not." He said after some though. Oh god I can't believe this.

"Do you wanna come to lunch with me? I'm supposed to be having dinner with my family tonight, we're celebrating my brother getting a new house but if we catch this train well make it by 12:00 so we'd have enough tome to grab some lunch. I mean you're my soulmate and I don't wanna lose you, especially because I can't see you." I finished, thank god he couldn't see my face, I was so embarrassed.

"Accompanying you to lunch would be pleasurable, thank you." He said flatly.

"My name's Jim, by the way." I said reaching out and feeling around on him to find his hand so I could shake it,

"I am Spock." He replied.

"Well it's nice to meet you Spock, sorry to rush you on a our first date but we've got a train to catch." I said taking his hand, beginning to sprint.

Damn he can run.

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