Surreptitious Sisters

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Spock returned to his room to find one message.

~not to be weird but I'm really excited to meet you~

Spock felt his cheeks heat up again and he typed out a response. He didn't understand the flutter in his chest so he ignored it.

~I am awaiting our meeting with anticipation as well.~

~you seem like a really cool guy Spock~
~I think it'll be fun getting know you~

~I am also intrigued to learn about you.~
It was an understatement. He could barely keep himself sane waiting for the days to go by.

~You wanna play 20 questions? That's always a cool icebreaker~

~Is 20 questions a game?~

~I ask you a question then you answer then you ask me a question and I answer and then we keep doing that till we reach 20 questions~
~I'll start~
~what's your favorite color?~

~Picking a color to hold in favor of all others seems illogical.~

~come on just pick a color~


~nice now you ask me a question~

~What is your favorite color?~

~cool question~
~it's also blue haha~
~What's your favorite movie~

~I do not watch films for pleasure.~

~What?? For real? What's your favorite book?~

~Sherlock Holmes.~

~I think Holmes and Watson were in love ☕️~

~That is an interesting interpretation of their relationship.~

~your turn to ask a question~

~What is your favorite book?~

~I've gotta say Fahrenheit 451~
~It's a classic!~

~That is quite an interesting choice.~

~I try to be interesting~

~You have not failed so far.~

~Have you ever met a human before?~

~I have.~
~Have you ever met a Vulcan before?~

~can't say I've had the pleasure~
~What human have you met?~

~My mother and older sister are both human.~

~Oh that's cool~
~so you're half human?~

~I am.~


~Do you have any siblings?~

~I've got an older brother~
~Do you have any other siblings?~

~Yes, along with my sister I too have an older brother.~

~So you're the youngest too!~

~What is your brother's name?~

~but I call him Sam~
~What are your brother and sister's names?~

~My sister's name is Michael and my brother's name is Sybok.~

~oh I've never met a girl named Michael before~
~that's pretty cool~

~What is your favorite thing about your planet?~

~wow that's a big question~
~I'd have to say all of my friends and family~
~and all my memories here~
~but if you meant a physical aspect I'd have to say the view of the moon~

Spock looked at the messages for a bit thinking of the thought put into the answers. He smiled at Jim's open affection towards his loved ones.

~so what's your favorite thing about your planet?~

~I will have to agree with you and say it is my family.~
~Though in terms of physical aspects I would have to say the sunsets.~

"Spock!" Amanda called from downstairs. Spock dropped his communicator and walked downstairs.

"Yes, mother?"

"Oh, nevermind dear. I was going to ask if you remembered where I left my reading glasses, but I found them." She smiled, lifting the glasses.

Spock nodded at her and made his way back up the stairs. He walked towards his room at an average pace. Not too fast, not too slow, but just fast enough to catch Michael sneaking out of it.

"Michael." Spock said firmly. It was just her name, but it was an accusation in itself. "What were you doing in my room?" To the only child this would seem to be a question, but growing up with two siblings, Michael knew this was a threat.

"Nothing!" A lie. A blatant lie told to cover up any misconduct that had gone on.

"Michael." This, to anyone who understood the way tone and social cues coordinated, was an obvious threat.

"Spock." Michael said sweetly with a worried grin on her face.

"What are you hiding, Michael?" Spock took a step closer and she immediately took a step back.

"What am I hiding? What are you hiding?" Michael retorted weakly.

"I am hiding nothing." Spock lied. "What do you have hiding behind your back?"

"Oh, well then brother of mine, if you've got nothing to hide then I've got a question for you," she approached him again, pulling his personal communicator out from behind her back. "Who's Jim Kirk?"

Spock's eyes widened and he made a dash for the communicator. Michael quickly moved it and held it over her head. She was leaning away and holding him back with one hand and holding the communicator in the other.

"Ooh Spock! Why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend." She was mostly teasing him but there was hint of sadness in her voice, probably about not being trusted with that information. She covered it up expertly.

"Why were you going through my stuff?" Spock asked not answering the question, still grabbing at his communicator.

"Your comm unit was buzzing and I was gonna bring it to you because you were gonna miss a call but then I saw this picture show up on the screen." At 'this' she shoved the small machine in his face to show a picture of Jim Kirk winking with a rose between his teeth, his contact photo. Spock's eyes went wide and grabbed at it again, yet his grasp was once again evaded.

"That was very considerate of you, but I would appreciate it if you stayed out of my personal business." Spock said through gritted teeth.

"Of course, but may I ask you a question about your boyfriend?" She smiled holding the pad out to him.

"He isn't my boyfriend." Spock said grabbing it instantly.

"Whatever he is." She lowered her voice to a whisper. "Do Mom and Dad know?"

"Do Mom and Dad know what?" The calm voice interrupted.

"NOTHING!" They yelled in unison, only to find their older brother Sybok standing at the top of the stairs, staring at them.

"...okay. That's not suspicious at all." Sybok squinted at them. "I'm just going to pretend this didn't happen." He said walking past them, turning to walk down the hall to the guest room. Immediately upon hearing Sybok close the door Michael continued her interrogation. She snatched back the pad to Spock's dismay.

"If he's not your boyfriend why is that the picture you have saved for his contact?" Michael said pointedly, looking once again at the picture of Jim winking with a rose between his teeth.

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