
378 18 8

Nico: aye

Will: hell oh

Nico: ?

Will: *hello

Nico: typos, huh?

Will: They are so eveel!

Nico: *evil

Will: I get it Nico, I'm just having trouble typing with my bumb.

Nico: you shouldn't be typing with your rear end.

Will: I meant thumb.

Nico: what happened to your thumb?

Will: I went rock climbing with my friend.

Nico: grayson...

Nico: you went with grayson

Will: Of curse.

Nico: *course

Will: Stop correcting me.

Nico: i will when you stop making typos

Will: When did you become so uptight.

Nico: i am so chill

Will: #youhavenochill

Nico: don't use hashtags

Nico: they are so dumb

Will: #chill

Nico: i have no chill, according to your hashtag

Will: #yasbruh

Nico: don't

Nico: call

Nico: me

Nico: bruh

Will: bra

Nico: don't call me that either

Will: *bruh

Nico: stop

Will: knaw

Nico: oh my gods this is so annoying

Will: *naw

Nico: naw isn't a word

Will: It is.

Nico: no it isn't

Will: Yaw it is.

Nico: you bug me

Will: Then why do you keep me around?

Nico: because i can

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