christmas with kylo pt. 2

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modern world au


After getting dressed, you put on some mascara and your sanguine lipstick. Your /y/h/c, curled tresses flowed like a cascading waterfall, crashing down your shoulders and flowing down your back.

(sry if u have short hair just pretend its long)

You walked out of your bathroom and went over to the kitchen. "I finished!!" Kylo said, proud of himself. You inspected the pancakes, which he put on  your nicely-set table. To your surprise, the pancakes actually weren't burnt.
"Wow, they're actually not burnt." You giggled.


The doorbell rang. You ran to the door and swiftly opened it to see Hux. Kylo peeked his head out of the kitchen and groaned. "Ugh, why did he have to be invited? Why did he have to be the first one here? Why-" Kylo complained.
"KYLO. Can you please be cool?" You said, annoyed. Kylo just rolled his and muttered, "Fine."
Hux rolled his eyes as well.
"Anyways, come on in!" You opened the door wider for him to come in.
"Ooh, I smell pancakes! I love pancakes ." Hux said, trying to cover up the fact that he was bursting with joy. He's like, world's biggest pancake enthusiast.
"I made them." Kylo said, very impassively.
"You made these pancakes?" Hux said, walking over to the dining room to look at them. "Wow, I didn't know Kylo Ren would know how to make peppermint pancakes." Hux said, taunting him. Kylo stared at him with a face that made it look like he was about to murder him. He grabbed his lightsaber and ignited it. Your eyes widened and you quickly ran over to his and yanked the lightsaber out of his hand. "Kylo!! What did I say earlier? No temper tantrums and no destroying things... or people." You immediately turned off the weapon and walked to your room with it.
"Hey, where are going?" Kylo ran after you. Hux just walked all of this with a sly smile.
"I'm locking it up for the day.. and for tomorrow. No lightsabers at our Christmas party." You scolded him.
"Fine." He groaned and walked back to the kitchen.

The doorbell ran again. "I got it!!" Kylo shouted to you. He sprinted to the door and quickly opened it. It was Leia, and behind her was Luke, Poe, BB8, and Chewbacca. "Mom!!" He hugged Leia. Leia was his favorite parent.
"Hi Kylo, I missed you." She told him. You ran out to greet everyone. "Hi Ms. Organa!!" You hugged her as well. You watched Kylo hug Poe, Luke, Chewbacca, and bend down to say hi to BB8. A huge smile spread across your face when you saw that he was actually making effort to the people he despised, The Resistance pilot, the Jedi Master, the Wookiee, and the famous droid. He didn't hate his mom of course, but it still delighted you to see him hug his mom. You smiled at everyone as they walked in.

le time skip bc im lazy

As I mentioned earlier, you and Kylo were huge Christmas enthusiasts, and you celebrated every second of the season, and it just so happened that the rest of your guests were obsessed with Christmas, as well. Except for Hux, he just sat on the couch watching you, Kylo, Leia, Luke, Poe, and Chewbacca dance around to Christmas music in pajamas, drinking cold egg nog. Even BB8 was rolling around joyfully, but the hostile ginger had no Christmas spirit. Hux was literally Ebenezer Scrooge. Kylo glanced over at the impassive ginger and rolled his eyes. "See, I told you we shouldn't have invited Hux. He's not having fun, he's just sitting on the couch looking dead. Can we kick him out?" Kylo whispered to you, complaining... for the 60th time that day.
"No Kylo, that's rude." You whispered back.
"Well he's being rude, too." Kylo whined.
"I'm sure he'll like the gift you bought him... whatever you bought. We can kick him out after we open the gifts at midnight." You replied. Kylo sighed and continued drinking his egg nog.


At midnight, you and Leia finally decided it was time to open presents. The group of guests headed over to the big, sparking, evergreen tree with what seemed like hundreds of presents underneath. Everyone all opened their presents at the same time, and all giving hugs to whoever gave them something. Kylo ended up getting Hux a coffee machine.. Hux had a smile on his face for the rest of the night. Kylo also gave him some Darth Vader socks but Hux liked the coffee machine the most. Leia got Kylo a Darth Vader poster (of course that's all he wanted for Christmas) and an ice cream machine. Kylo was extremely satisfied with what he got and he pulled his mom into a big hug. Chewbacca had gotten a camera from Poe to take pictures on his adventures. Luke got something similar, he got a Polaroid camera from you.

You kept trying to grab a box that said
To y/n
From Kylo
but Kylo wouldn't let you open it yet. You were really confused as to why he kept saying that you couldn't open it. Kylo was pretty shy when it comes to opening gifts and all that kind of stuff, so you figured he was just being weird.

At the end of the night, right after everybody left, he finally handed you the gift. "Let me guess.. I still can't open it?" You chuckled sarcastically. Kylo let out a genuine laugh, "You can open it now. I just get awkward when everyone's watching me."
"I do too, but I have to deal with it." You said, laughing again. You looked down at your neatly wrapped box, with Tiffany blue paper, and a white ribbon. You slowly pulled the ribbon, trying to to screw up the neatness. After the ribbon came off, you slowly pulled of the lid of the box, revealing a beautiful diamond ring. Not an engagement ring, but it was beautiful. You gasped at the sight of it and slid it onto one of your fingers. "Kylo I love it!! Actually, that's an understatement. I- wow I just.. I'm speechless." You stuttered, while still staring at the ring in amazement.
"Merry Christmas, I love you." Kylo said before kissing your cheek.
"I love you, too." You smiled at him, and then went back to admiring your ring.

s o r r y this took so long to come out lol

this is fluffy very fluffy fluff fluff fluff eVeRyWhErE

also please send requests!! i would love that

also thank you for 100+ reads with only like 4 chapters, u guys are awesome I really appreciate you guys

word count: 1133

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