Moving On (2) (Leo)

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Dear Leo,
I have decided to join team Silhouette. I believe in what they stand for, and  I believe in what they do! I love you truly! I hope you become a Pokémon Master!
         Your Sis,
                  Jemma Acacia
I couldn't believe it! Jemma joined them! I thought she realized this simple fact that they are Evil, and by Evil, I don't mean bad. By Evil I mean evil! I mean like Evil Evil!

She couldn't have gotten far now, right? I ran down the road as fast as possible! I ran and ran! I ran until I bumped into a little boy who was holding and egg.
He dropped the egg. As soon as it started to fall, it hatched.

"A Togepi!" He screamed. "Oh my Gawsh!"

I didn't know to feel happy or sorry. Togepi ran to me.
"Oh, not me, go to- uhh what's your name?" I asked.
"Kit!" He responded.

I shoved Togepi into his arms, and continued to run down the road.
"Wait up!" Kit shouted. "I'm coming!"

Ugh. I had a feeling that this would be a long journey...

Life as a Tripplett (a Pokémon story)(Book 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora