Hello (Jemma)

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I hated this prison. This prison of my own body, a body I can't control. Only leaving my mental state.

"Hello...anyone here....?" I hear from inside my head.

Shocked, I respond "Hello..."

"Wow! I thought I was alone. I got 'brainwashed' by Team Sillhouette. I am Julia Qwerty's Sis!" She responded, "The name's Lilly!"

"This is impossible, I am Brittney Acacia's Triplett! Jemma!" I responded.

"Did you try to join Team Sillhouette as well?" Lilly asked.

"Yes...I did." I responded.

"Hello.....?" A new voice said.

"Yes! Hello!" Lilly and I responded.

"I am Ben." The third voice said.

"Who is controlling you guys? Halley is controlling me." I responded.

"A guy named Bill is controlling me, although he looks like Heubert Yates." Ben Responded.

"No way....the person controlling me just turned into my Sister! I see Brittney and Julia though, the real ones...." Lilly responded.

"That's unimportant!" Ben started, " we need a way out!"

I cannot believe this. The mind controlled can speak to each other in our minds!

Life as a Tripplett (a Pokémon story)(Book 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora