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            Jack's POV

            I grab a stick of butter from the console and open it silently and literally throw the half melted butter at my brother. He fails to notice it's not candy and bites it and starts gagging . He seriously hates butter. A lot.

          I start Laughing my butt off and he's silently glaring at me. I give him. Napkin and continue on our drive. The radio is on and the song Mr bright side by the killer's is on. I sing to it and my brother smiles slightly. If I haven't mentioned it before, he likes it when I sing.

And I'm fallen asleep
And she callin' a cab
While he's having a smoke
And she's taking a drag
And their going to bed
And my stomach is sick
Is was all in my head
But she's touching his chest now
He takes off her dress now
Let me go
I just can't look and it's killing me
And taking control

          I look at my brother and he's full on smiling now . I smile at him and continue singing .

Jealousy,turning saints into the sea
Swimming through thick lullabies
Choking on your alibis
But is just the pri-
   *THUD* "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I HIT A PERSON,KID,ANIMAL, THING!!!!!!!" I cried. Even worse my brother can't breath in the back. Then I discover,He's laughing. A lot.

          I run out of the car and go to see what I hit. I look at the animal in front of the car and I see a werewolf as long as a truck and as tall as a bus. I smirk . I'm bigger. I poke him and I almost Pee my pants. I felt sparks. The wolf shudders and I squeal and hop back in my truck. I drive away and look in the rear view mirror to see a very naked werewolf mate looking at me with sadness. I can't be held back. I just can't.

   Dedicated to _madds_1215 . My very good friend. This is also a shout out to go and follow her!!!!😎 *STALKER MODE*


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