Seagreen Remorse

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Remorse is such a sorrowful pain in all hearts
A sea of deep passion to catch a man's soul
I'm held by One with a wildness deeper than any trench
The Man of Sorrows reaches out with scarred hands
Beckoning me closer to His reckless and loving embrace
Shamed and guilted over what I have done, I dare not enter in
As violent winds that draw me in-- they shout "grace, grace to all her sins!"
My Lord, my Lover, my God in whom I trust, guide me to new life
My remorse and shame weighs me down... forgive me this night
You renew and heal me and refine my spirit through the flames
Until ashes are all that remain of that past
You bring beauty from the ashes as a sapling pops out
Tenderly care and nurture it until it grows to be a great cedar
For without You there is no life at all
You hold all life in Your hands and where You lead me is where I'll go..
Forgive me what I had done, against You the Only One whom I've sinned
I'm evermore Yours even until the end of the ages

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