CHAPTER 6: Beach Bash

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I woke up feeling extremely happy, which made my shower much more enjoyable. It was so refreshing to have the warm water touch my skin. I've never felt more alive. The soap felt like it rejuvenated my body, washing my hair made it feel brand new, I felt as if I could fly. I towel dried my hair and put on my favourite onesie. Iron man.

My phone vibrated against the wooden bedside table, making me jump extremely high. I dived across the bed, reaching out for my phone, I soon regretted doing so because I jabbed the palm of my hand into the corner of the table. Now that's gonna leave a mark.

Oh no, if this is Niall, World War Three was about to break out. I don't think I would be able to explain to him what happened without him... you know, going... absolutely apeshit crazy. I don't know how he's feeling, I wish I just knew or that he'd just tell me. I breathed deeply as relief washed over me as I check that it wasn't him. It was Josh. Never have I been so excited to get a text from Josh.

Josh: Carnivals in town, wanna go Saturday? I'll win ya a teddy. ;)

Ryleigh: Sounds like fun :)

Josh: Pick ya up at 7?

Ryleigh: Alright xx

Another date. This should be interesting. It's probably best Niall doesn't know. I wonder what Harry and Louis are doing today? I haven't seen them recently maybe their doing something exciting, so that I can distract myself for a little while away from all the boy drama that has now entered my life.

Ryleigh: What are you and Lou doing today?

Harry: Beach, you wanna come?

Ryleigh: That'd be great xx


Harry: Cool, be there in 10

10? 10 minutes? Shit. I raced around the room trying to find my best bikini, the one with the skeleton print, they always make a good impression on people, whether that impression be good or bad.

Agh. Harry beeped the car horn again and again, i could tell he was quickly growing impatient. When that boy says 10 minutes, he MEANS 10 minutes, no more no less; 10. I ran downstairs, sprinted outside and jumped in the car, the boys giving me strange looks as they stare at my bikini choice. This is what I live for, the look, provides me with a great amount of satisfaction.

I smile cheekily back at them, they both roll their eyes as we began to drive off towards the beach. Trying to make conversation with these to wasn't that hard, talking was like a well loved hobby for them. They could talk for hours on end, which was good cause it made our road trip feel short.

"So, any particular reason you guys were coming here?" I asked hoping that my presence wasn't crashing a double date or something.

"Sort of, just a barbecue type thing; here put this on" Harry said handing me a white t-shirt with 'Gay is ok' written of the front and 'Some people are gay, GET OVER IT!' written on the back both were written in a rainbow of colours.

"Are you two gay?" I ask them curiously looking at the shirt. If they were gay they didn't showed it, like at all. This was very intriguing.

"Ahh well, kind of... But we haven't told the boys yet, so shhh, you shouldn't even know!" Louis whispered.

"Aww, how CUTE! I always wanted a gay friend, we can go around peeving on hot shirtless guys!" I squealed excitedly. They both glared at me like I was insane. I probably am by now but this time I swear I wasn't showing any signs of my crazy.

"Oh ok" I sighed "my lips are sealed"

"We appreciate it" Harry smiled.

"And no peeving on other guys mister!" Louis said to Harry.

We walked up and down the beach, parading around in our fabulous looking t-shirts. Some people gave us a few odd looks like there was something wrong with being gay. I don't get why people make such a fuss its not their problem is it? They don't have to live with it, its a lifestyle choice. People should be able to live their life the way they want to, gay people don't say anything about people being straight, so what's the difference?

Harry and Louis are such a cute couple, I am so proud of how comfortable and open they were.

After walking around for a while, we arrived at the BBQ but it wasn't like a normal BBQ, there were banners and signs all over the place supporting gay marriage. This made me feel a bit out of place because cute gay couples were everywhere, hugging, cuddling, holding hands. I don't think I've ever felt so lonely before except when I broke up with Alex, my now ex/current on and off boyfriend. Shit, I forgot about him. Think of the devil, and he shall text.

Alex: Hey kitten<3 You still at that lake house?

Ryleigh: Yes, why?

Alex: Coming up, see ya soon babe ;)

Wait what? no no no no no not again. last time he showed up unexpectedly, it did not end well, at all, for anyone! I would have replied but I wouldn't have been able to ask all the questions I wanted to into just one text message. He has to be joking, like he always used to. He can't come up here, it'll ruin everything. Stupid Alex! I just know he'll pop up at the most inappropriate time and ruin something, he always does.


#Sorry it's so short :( #


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