::chapter one::

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Let me introduce myself, I'm Dorris.
Right now,I'm standing all the way in Australia in front of a two story house which I will be living in with my new family. Let me explain the situation I'm in. SO I used to live with my mom in a small,cozy apartment situated in the land of poutine and maple syrup a.k.a Canada .I don't know much about my father nor did I ever care  .I don't know who he is or what he does or even if he's alive.I never saw him or heard of him in all my 16 years of living.All I know about him is that he left my mom the day he found out she was  pregnant with me.So basically, he's an aśśhole.I used to go to a nearby school with all my friends. I wasn't popular or anything I just knew lot of people. Over the last couple years, my mom dated this guy named Andrew.Last year ,Andrew decided to propose to her on thanksgiving dinner in front of all our relatives. Andrew was a nice guy so I was pretty happy to see my mom so joyful. But the only problem was that Andrew lived in Australia.He was only visiting the country when he met my mother.So ,after they got married in the summer ,they decided it would be a great idea for us to move there.And it went all downhill from there.You see I am not really fond of change.In matter of fact I hate change. I know people say sometimes change is a good thing. But honestly I don't care.The idea of change kinda freaks me out .I don't like changing my habits or my surroundings or anything in that matter.So naturally I was pretty scared and worried when I heard I was moving all the way across the world.You can't go up to your daughter and say :
"Hey! We're moving to a foreign country with your new step father. Get packing!"
Unfortunately that's exactly what my mom told me .Okay, maybe not exactly but I'm pretty sure that's what she meant . I didn't want to go, Heck! I begged my mom 4944939493 times to let me stay and live with my friend.But that got me nowhere.So after finishing the school year I said goodbye to all my friends while sobbing,which made me sound like a dying moose,packed my bags,hopped on a plane and flew to Australia.And here I am now,standing in front of an over sized house, mentally preparing myself to meet my new family .

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