Chapter 4: TroubleTroubleTrouble

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Songs for the chapter:

I Knew You Were Trouble-Taylor Swift

Forget Forever-Selena Gomez

I knew it wasn't a good idea to go out in a mall with Darcy. I knew it. Thank god Darcy is with Alice, I came out of the trial room wearing my clothes again and soon as I was out, I saw the person I want to see the least right in front of me, Harry Freaking Styles! I just froze in horror, Harry looked at me as shocked as I was but there was a softness behind his green eyes. What? No! I didnt know what to do what to say. Please kill me! I know you want to then do it please, I deserve it.

"I knew it wasn't a good idea"I mouthed to Alice who was a distance behind Harry and showing her the expression that she should go with Darcy. She understood and left. Pheww.

"So...what are you doing here?"Harry asked me. I raised my eyebrow.

"Hello Harry" I simply said in a very dumb way.

" Really? A year ago you suddently showed up to my house telling me you re breaking up with me with a valid or even a damn reason, and here we are a year later and all you say to me is Hello?"Harry said and I felt likr a slap that I actually deserved .

"What do you think I'm doing!"I told him controlling my temper.

Being a bitch again and again.

"Brooke and Alice shopping huh?"Harry asked me. Shoot, what do I do? What do I do? Lie Brooke lie!

"Alice? What are you talking about?"I lied, he was confused.

"You're not with her?"He asked me.

"No! I haven't seen her for--"I started and he cut me off.

"A year? You not only cut me out of your life, but your bestfriend too!"Harry said a little getting tensed. So was I. Im sorry Harry. Wish it was less complicated.

"I have to erase every memory of you! That includes Alice, hope you remember, we were all a group!"I told him straight in the eye but I knew deep inside I didn't want any memory of him to go away.

"So it's not you who wished me for my birthday on the card?"Harry asked a little hurt. What?

"Which card?"I pretended that I don't know, holy crap he got the card. He actually thought it's me, the Brooke! Lie Brooke lie, don't let him get to you, again.

"I got a card from Moore Stephens, a girl named Brooke wished me, I immediately thought of you. When I saw Alice's name I was too sure it was you!"He said. Oh no!

"What makes you think it's me? I'm not the only Brooke in the world!"I told him. He came closer to me, holding my hand for some reason, I got butterflies like before.

"To me there's only one Brooke, my Brooke! I want her back in my life!"Harry said softly. Did I just hear him say that? He wants me? Wait I can't! Darcy!

"Harry! I can't! It's not just me anymore!"I told him moving back.

"What is it? You have a boyfriend?"He asked me. I didn't know what to say, I can't lie anymore, I can't even lie that I have boyfriend coz I hate to say I'm with someone else other than Harry even for a lie.

"Bye Harry!"I left the showroom, I heard him call my name many times. Tears started falling from my eyes as I was out of Hollister. I got a text from Alice.


Join us in Cream and Fudge, Darcy's fine! :)

I went to Cream and Fudge and joined my bestfriend and my baby girl. After seeing Harry, Darcy is even more a Harry Styles baby girl version, those curls, those eyes, those dimples. Harry!

"Got your favorite Chocolate lovers, you ok?"Alice asked me. I grabbed my ice cream started eating.

"He...he wants me!"I said slowly looking at Darcy caressing her cheek.

Darcy cooed sweetly making me smile.

"And do you?"Alice asked me, I gave her the dead glare. Do I want him in my life? And Darcy's? Of course I do, I knew it was the right thing to do for Darcy but this was Harry Styles of One Direction, I will just be a complication in his perfect life.

"Alice you know why I can't even if I want to!"I told her, her face turned to my daughter now amd nodded.

"So you love him but you can't have coz of Darcy! But Darcy will be happy to have a daddy"Alice said. that's when i got angry. But I knew it was right but it was too easier said than done.

" I cant make him choose between his career and family. "I raised my tone, she laughed as if I said a joke.

"Deniall!"She started singing. Deniall? No way!

"I'm not denying anything! he can't stop living his dream for me or Darcy! I wont allow it"I said, she gave the exactly look.

"Which is why you left, you care for him!"She said.

"Shut the fuck up!"I said covering my daughter's ears so she won't hear me swearing. I realised that the angrier I was I finished my ice cream so fast.

Darcy started jumping, she was the one to make me smile. She's adorable.

"Yes Darcy?"I asked her.

She was smiling more showing her dimples which made Alice and I started giggling smiling at her cuteness.

"Aww I love you Darcy more than anything!"I told her taking her in my arms tickling her, she started laughing.

"Where do we go next?"Alice asked.

"Can we go home?I'm tired!"I said caressing my baby's back. We both left the mall, as we walked to our car, everyone looked at me and Darcy in my arms.

"Hey have I seen you somewhere?"A girl with red hair came to us in front of Alice's car. I don't know her, what is she saying?

"Excuse me?"I asked her. She looked at me and Darcy very very carefully.

"Hey, you're Harry Styles' ex girlfriend Brooke Evans right?" Is that your daughter?"She asked me. Holy shit! Directioners know everything, she remembers me even after a year, she can't know Darcy's my daughter, what if she leaks the news on the net?

"Yeah that's me but she's not my daughter, she's my friend's right Alice, take Darcy in the car and let's go!"I said turning to Alice who immediately took Darcy from me, thank god she didn't scream Mama in front of that fan.

"Pheww that was close!!"Alice said while driving fast home.

"Why do directioners don't forget about ex girlfriends?"I asked pissed.

"You were one girl, don't complain!"She said. Right, I was a directioner before, a really crazy one, now everything has changed. At home, Alice left to her place so Darcy and I were alone in our appartment. I wanted to play with her, I spinned her around, made her jump catching her protectively. Roll the ball to her, honestly I don't feel bored at all, I'm having so much fun with cute little daughter.

Darcy cooed so sweet, crawling to me, climbing on my lap to kiss my cheek.

I snuggled her in my arms. I turned on the tv and there was e! news going on, one news stunned me I was scared now.

"Good evening everybody, a directioner has reported that she spotted One Direction's star Harry Styles' ex girlfriend Brooke Evans earlier this evening at a parking spot. Evans was spotted with a baby in her arms, she said it wasn't her baby but her friend's and left immediately. If we take a closer look on this cute little snowball, don't you think she looks familiar? Look at her hair, eyes, those dimples? Brooke Evans are you hiding something? Who's the father of this gorgeous baby girl?"

All I could think was ...I'm in trouble. Darcy and me in the news, shit! I hope Harry doesn't think Darcy's his daughter or even the boys especially Louis. He doesn't keep anything from Harry!

Save me!

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